Salvo - August 2020
Original Document (with images)
Day ~100 and things were getting better, but numbers are again on the rise. So, the state is mandating you wear a mask and social distance. Let us do our part and wear them in any public setting. We do not have a regular meeting in August so we will try to keep you up to date via this SALVO and other email communications. We would tentatively like to hold a regular meeting in September for installation of officers’ ceremony and other business. We will update status in early mid-August. Your Executive Committee continues work on several projects to improve our operations, our ability to better interact with all of you, and fulfill our mission to support the four pillars of the American Legion. Projects such as: updated ByLaws, Post Expense Policy, electronic document filing system, enhanced website design, regular meeting Zoom enhancement, and a Camp Parks support program (see notes below for more details) among them. Last month I updated you on revision of the By-Laws which were not approved by the Commission. We received a letter detailing the issues with the set of By-Laws we approved at our June meeting. The Executive Committee has made the necessary changes. We were going to review those changes at our July regular meeting and vote on approval but we received word from the Commission that Dept will be providing additional guidance concerning virtual meetings for inclusion in the By-Laws. Finally, congratulations to Pat Baratta for passing the American Legion Basic Training Course! Stay safe and wear your masks!!! Eric, Commander
**** Every Saturday 9 to 12.... Coffee at the Vets Hall **** IT’S BACK!!!
August 5th, Wednesday…. No Regular lunch meeting in August
August 10th, Monday…. VMB Gianni’s Dinner Fundraiser (see details below)
August 15th, Saturday…. Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
August 27th-30th, Thursday to Sunday…. 2020 East Bay Standdown CANCELED
September 2nd, Wednesday…. Regular lunch meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm TBD
September 19th, Saturday…. Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
September 27th, Sunday…. Post 246/District 9 Chili Cookoff, 2:00 pm POSTPONED
October 4th, Sunday…. Boys & Girls State Luncheon, 1:00 pm TBD
October 17th, Saturday…. Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
November 4th, Wednesday…. Regular lunch meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm TBD
November 21st, Saturday…. Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
December 2nd, Wednesday…. Regular lunch meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm
December 19th, Saturday…. Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
Please support the one and only fundraiser for the Veterans Memorial Building operations fund (Corned Beef & Cabbage event was canceled). Two options are take-out and delivery. Go to and you can call in your order starting now. Be sure to leave a BIG tip as the VMB gets all tips and percentage of the night’s receipt.
Raoul Miranda has been appointed as Assistant Sgt-at-Arms. Michelle Lee and Dick Seavey have been appointed to the Executive Committee to serve with Gary Soto, Ron Roe, Neil Giles.
As you all know it is now time to renew your membership for calendar year 2021. We are off to a great start with 45% of our members renewing already! This includes our 28 PUFL members who I thank for their life commitment. There are two easy ways to renew: 1) go to and click on the RENEW button, fill out the form, and you’re done. Or, send us a check for $45 to our PO Box address and we will process it for you.
The Post 246 / District 9 Chili Cookoff event is again being postponed indefinitely due to the pandemic. We will reschedule when we can be assured we can hold the event.
Now that LTC Nolan and CSM Johnson have very recently transferred to new duty stations we will engage with the new command staff LTC Serena Johnson and CSM Thomas Aiello to develop the program further in the near future. If you are interested and willing to commit to an activity to host a soldier and his/her family, please contact Mark Heinemann.
The post now has a Tax-Free account with the Flag & Emblem Store. Alan Scharlach is our post “Supply Officer” and is available to order items for individual post members. Go to to do your shopping; then email Alan with the item number, quantity, color, and any other item details needed to purchase the item you want.
During the Pledge of Allegiance, why do we, as male members, remove our caps and place them over our heart? It dates back to our military service, while at the salute, we are at attention and when you are at attention, you do not speak. Thus, the cover is removed and placed over the heart so that we can pledge our allegiance, aloud. We follow American Legion protocol.
Post 246 holds Memorial Day Remembrance at the VMB flagpole. Joining Commander Ardell are Vice Commanders Lee and Scharlach are Gary Estralla, MCL, Dennis Giacovelli, VNVDV, Mike Regan, VFW, Susan Little, BSM, Mayor Karen Stepper, and Clinton Pruett, SRVFD. Ceremony ended with the playing of taps.
Vice Commander Alan Scharlach and our Chartered Representative for Scouts visited Oakmount mortuary 1 July where they graciously retired our American Flags. The ashes have been placed in a position of honor inside an Ossuary dedicated for that purpose.
To further USAA’s mission of being the provider of choice for the Military Community, they have opened their membership up to all military retirees and those who separated with a ‘discharge type of honorable’.
Are you planning on visiting the VA anytime soon? Here’s a tool to get to your appointment for quickly.
(see image in document)
“The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.”
- Edmund Burke