Salvo - June 2020

Original Document (with images)


We are at about day 45 of the stay at home orders; it is good to hear that all of you who we have been able to contact are doing well and staying safe. I would again emphasize that if you need anything, we are ready to anything we can to help you. Please give us a call. Hopefully, the restrictions will start to ease very soon; that said we do not anticipate being able to hold a regular meeting at the Veterans Memorial Building in June. We will again hold our “regular” meeting on Zoom (with alternate phone link) on Saturday, 6 June at 9:00 am. This meeting is especially important for two reason; first, we will conduct our officer election for the 2020-2021 year, and second, we will accomplish the second reading of the proposed post By-Laws to be submitted to Department of California for approval. The draft By-Laws will again be emailed to all members for review as there have been some new changes made by the Executive Committee since the first reading at the last regular meeting. I hope you all are supporting Danville restaurants and businesses through online orders and curbside pickup. I have done so many times and the service is great and so is the food! We are continuing our Buddy Call program, but still unable to reach some of you. We just want to make sure you are okay and let you know we can help if you need it. And do let us know if we have your correct contact information. I would like to welcome new members to our post Pasquale (Pat) Baratta and Frank Drayton.

Eric, Commander


**** Every Saturday 9 to 12.... Coffee at the Vets Hall **** CANCELED

June 6th, Saturday.... Regular ZOOM meeting, 9:00 am

Election of 2020-21 Officers and Executive Board

June 14th, Sunday…. Danville Summer Fest CANCELED

June 20th, Saturday…. ZOOM Executive Committee Meeting, 8:30 am

July 1st, Wednesday…. Regular lunch meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm TBD

Installation of Officers and Executive Board

July 4th, Saturday…. Danville VIRTUAL 4th of July parade, 10:00 am

July 18th, Saturday…. No Executive Committee meeting in July

August 5th, Wednesday…. Regular lunch meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm

August 27th-30th, Thursday to Sunday…. 2020 East Bay Standdown CANCELED

September 2nd, Wednesday…. Regular lunch meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm

September 19th, Saturday…. Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am


Repeat: No regular meeting in June and no speaker. Again, this is a great time to complete the Basic Training Course for all members. It is the American Legion's official training program for officers, members, Legion College applicants and those who simply want to expand their knowledge of the nation's largest veterans service organization. It is available online at Let me know when you complete the course.


Following nominations for elected officer positions are:

Commander: Eric Ardell

1st Vice Commander: Mark Heinemann

2nd Vice Commander: Alan Scharlach

3rd Vice Commander: Randy Reid

Executive Committee: Gary Soto, Ron Roe, Neil Giles

At the June regular meeting (on Zoom) any additional nominations will be request by each position, nominations will then be closed.

Assuming no other nominations, it will be suggested a motion be made for a onetime deviation from the post By-Laws - which requires a written secret ballot -seconded and approved to vote by raised hand on Zoom or voice vote by phone.


Yes, there will be a parade, a virtual parade! We are going to work on set of pictures and/or a video that will be our post entry in the “parade”. The virtual parade will be online on Saturday, 4 July starting at 10:00am. More details will be provided as they become available.


We are considering a program to support soldiers and their families assigned to Camp Parks Reserve Forces Training Area. We would rely on LTC Nolan, CSM Johnson, and other senior NCOs to recommend the soldiers, most likely junior enlisted personnel. The program would entail a Post member volunteering one or more times per year to sponsor an event for the soldiers and their families. The range of activities could include hosting a backyard BBQ or picnic; a day at local attractions (e.g., Blackhawk Museum, Lindsay Wildlife Experience, etc.), or a day at a water park. If you are interested and willing to commit to an activity to host a soldier and his/her family, please contact Mark Heinemann. We believe this proposed program is an outstanding way for each of us individually and as a post to show our support for and contribute to the pillars upon which the American Legion was founded.


The post now has a Tax-Free account with the American Legion Flag & Emblem Store. Alan Scharlach has volunteered to be our post “Supply Officer” and is available to order items for individual post members. Please contact Alan to place an order through our post and avoid paying tax. Please go to to do your shopping; then email Alan with the item number, quantity, color, and any other item details needed to purchase the item you want. Alan will then send you an invoice for repayment to the post for the cost of your item(s) including shipping.


Dear Veterans Community - Our Contra Costa County Veterans Service Office is now staffing a… full-time virtual office. Service Representatives are available Monday thru Thursday 9am to 12pm & 1pm to 4pm, and Fridays 9am to 12pm. To connect with our virtual office online, click: CVSO Virtual Office, or to connect by Phone, dial [669] 900-9128. Meeting ID: 979 2501 6051 Password: 028993 Our team is standing by ready to serve you and your family! If you’d like to check out our new virtual office, just pop in anytime and we can show you around.


"It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light"

- Aristotle


Salvo - July 2020


Salvo - May 2020