Post246 Commander Post246 Commander

Salvo- January 2020

Original Document (with images)



I wish all our members and their families a very happy and safe holiday season. Thank you for your support of each other, our post, and the American Legion!

Welcome to new members Lorrie Sammons, Archie Juntura, and Jae Young Kim!

The upcoming Crab Feed Dinner and Fundraiser is a virtual sell out as of this writing. If you still would like to attend, please contact Bob Sada to be placed on a wait list; we will try to accommodate if possible.

Eric, Commander


**** Every Saturday 9 to 12.... Coffee at the Vets Hall ****

Third Monday of every month....Veterans Voices on CCTV


December 31st …. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

January 8th, Wednesday.... Regular lunch meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm followed by a Crab Feed Planning Meeting

January 18th, Saturday.... Board/Officer Meeting, 8:30 am

January 25th, Saturday…. Crab Feed Dinner/Fundraiser at VMB, 5:00 pm

February 5th, Wednesday…. Regular lunch meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm

February 15th, Saturday.... Board/Officer Meeting, 8:30 am

March 4th, Wednesday.... Regular lunch meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm

March 21st, Saturday.... Board/Officer Meeting, 8:30 am

March 14th, Saturday…. VMB Corn Beef & Cabbage Dinner, 5:00 pm

April 1st, Wednesday.... Regular lunch meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm

April 18th, Saturday.... Board/Officer Meeting, 8:30 am

May 6th, Wednesday.... Regular lunch meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm

May 16th, Saturday.... Board/Officer Meeting, 8:30 am

May 31st, Sunday…. High School Swearing-in Ceremony, 1:00 pm


Lieutenant Colonel Jennifer L. Nolan enlisted in the United States Army Reserve in April of 1993. In 1997 she was commissioned through the Reserve Officers Training Corps at LaSalle University in Philadelphia, PA. Her assignments include:

- Engineer Officer Basic Course at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri

- Engineer Battalion (Heavy), Equipment Platoon Leader

- First female Support Platoon Leader in the 10th Engineer Battalion (Mechanized)

- Chief Project Officer Soto Cano Airbase in Honduras, Central America

- Construction Officer and Deputy Director of Public Works Riyadh, Saudi Arabia for ARCENT-SA during the initial phase of Operation Iraqi Freedom

- Company Commander for the 5551h Engineer Company (TOPO), Ft. Hood, TX

- Comptroller Instructor and PPBES Course Director for the US Army Finance School Ft. Jackson, SC

- Observer/Controller for the 75th Training Division in Arlington Heights, IL.

- Civil Affairs branch Project Officer to Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa in Djibouti and deployed with the 490lh Civil Affairs Battalion

- Executive Officer for the Chief of Staff, US Army Reserve.

- Deputy Branch Chief, North/West Africa U.S. Africa Command (USAFRICOM) in Stuttgart, Germany

- School of Advanced Military Studies in Fort Leavenworth

- Chief of Strategy for U.S. Southern Command in Miami, FL

LTC Nolan's awards and decorations include the Bronze Star Medal, Meritorious Service Medal (4th Award), Joint Service Commendation Medal (2nd Award); Army Commendation Medal, Joint Service Achievement Medal, Army Achievement Medal (2nd Award), Parachutist Badge, and Army Staff Identification Badge. LTC Nolan holds a BA in Biology from LaSalle University, an MBA in International Business from \Trident University International and a Master of Military Art and Science (MMAS) Degree from the School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS). Her military education includes the Engineer Officer Basic and Advanced Courses, Command and General Staff College (lLE), Stability Security and Development in Complex Operations Course (Naval Postgraduate School), Joint and Combined Warfighting School (JPME-Il) and the Basic Strategic Arts Program (BSAP). LTC Nolan is from Philadelphia, PA. She is married to John R. Nolan, President and CEO of Verde Valuation Services, LLC, originally from Cleveland, OH.


Sunday, 2 Feb, 1:00 pm – Vietnam Vets of Diablo Valley Crab Feed Dinner and Fundraiser. See flyer on our website.

Saturday, 8 Feb, 5:00 pm – District 9 Crab Feed Dinner (call me for details)

Saturday, 14 March, 5:00 pm – Veterans Memorial Building Corn Beef and Cabbage Dinner and Fundraiser. See flyer on our website.


Membership renewal is now at 87%. For those who have not renewed yet, you will be receiving a past due notice from National headquarters. Please keep your membership current! Please send your renewal in today!!


I am sure most all of you know by now we have been contacting many of you members who we don’t see very often. We are do so for three simple reasons; 1) we want to know how you are doing, what you are doing, and if maybe we can help, 2) we want to make sure we have you current contact information (address, phone number, email address, etc.), and 3) is there anything we could do that you would like to see for a meeting or event. We are open to any and all suggestions.


Did you know that the American Legion has a Vehicle Donation Program? Making a donation is easy.

Toll Free Number Information: 844-353-4466 (844-3-LEGION)

Online Donation Form:

Insurance Auto Auctions, Inc. (IAAI) will pick up your vehicle at a time that works for you - at no cost to you.

The American Legion will send you a tax receipt and acknowledgement.

Proceeds will support The American Legion.

Insurance Auto Auctions, Inc. (IAAI) can accept vehicles in almost any condition, whether they can be driven or not, in all 50 states. They accept many types of vehicles, including cars, trucks, vans, SUVs, boats, motorcycles, RVs, snowmobiles, jet skis, heavy equipment, farm equipment, tractors and more.

Thought for Day

"The best way out of a difficulty is through it."

Will Rogers

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