Salvo - September 2021
I expect that you, like me, have closely followed recent events involving the US withdrawal from Afghanistan. Regardless of our points of view, the two messages from American Legion National Commander Bill Oxford at the end of this month’s Salvo give us a foundation to respond in support of our fellow veterans. As Commander Oxford points out, recent events may make adverse impacts on veterans of all eras. Please consider taking action to advocate with our political representatives at the state and national level to take positive steps to address the impact of recent events and to support efforts at the local level personally. Stand Down on the Delta in Antioch is an upcoming event where we can make a difference.
Please continue to give your suggestions for speakers to Michelle Lee and for Post activities and programs to any of the Officers and Executive Committee members. Please also raise awareness about issues affecting veterans, active-duty military personnel, and youth in our community for action by our Post.
Please remember to confirm attendance at our regular meeting luncheons and events by leaving a message at (925) 272-8480 or to
Mark Heinemann
**** Every Saturday 8:00 am to 12:00 pm Coffee at the Vets Hall
August 30th, Monday Blue Star Moms Paper Shred Fundraiser, Caldwell Banker Realty, Livery, 101 Sycamore Valley Road, Danville, 1-4 pm
August 30th, Monday VMB Fundraiser, Gianni’s, San Ramon, 4:30-7:30 pm
September 1st, Wednesday
Regular meeting with speaker Mark Armstrong, 12:00 pm
September 4th, Saturday
Kiwanis “4th of July” Parade
September 6th, Monday Labor Day
September 10th to 13th, Friday-Monday Stand Down on the Delta, CCC Fairgrounds, Antioch
September 11th, Saturday 9/11 Remembrance, Oak Hill Park, Danville, 4:30-5:30 pm
September 18th, Saturday Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
October 3rd, Sunday Boys & Girls State Recognition Luncheon, 1:00 pm
October 16th, Saturday Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
November 3rd, Wednesday Regular meeting with speaker, Beverly Lane, 12:00 pm
November 10th, Wednesday Pop-up VMB Museum Display Set-Up, 4:00 – 9:00 pm
November 11th, Thursday Veterans Day
November 11th to 14th Thursday-Sunday Pop-up VMB Museum, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
November 20th, Saturday Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
November 25th, Thursday Thanksgiving Day
December 1st, Wednesday Regular meeting with speaker, David Compton, 12:00 pm
December 11th, Saturday Army - Navy Game, VMB, 12 noon
December 18th, Saturday Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
December 18th, Saturday Wreaths Across America, Alamo Cemetery, 10:00 am
September – Mark Armstrong, San Ramon City Council Member.
October – Delegates to Girls State and Boys State will speak about their experiences.
November – Beverly Lane, Museum of the San Ramon Valley, will speak about the
history of San Ramon Valley veterans.
December – David Crompton, Diane Freidman, and Diana Elrod will discuss
California State laws on housing and Town of Danville plans to implement housing initiatives.
Mike Clement assumed the position of District 9 Commander for 2021-2022 from Randy Reid on July 27, 2021. Please support Mike as District 9 Commander and thank Randy for completing a challenging year as District 9 Commander. Randy implemented many changes during the past year to support efforts of the eight posts in District 9 and maintained a high level of leadership by example for District 9 posts.
Post 246 honored Eric Ardell as Past Commander of Post 246 and Randy Reid as Past Commander of District 9 at our social event on August 12. Town of Danville Mayor Renee Morgan expressed the appreciation of the Town of Danville in her remarks and presented Proclamations to Ericand Randy honoring their service.
Please renew your membership for calendar year 2022. There are two easy ways to
renew: 1) go to and click on the RENEW button, fill out the form,
and you are done; or, 2) send the Post a check for $45 to PO Box 133, Danville, CA
94526 and we will process it for you.
Please welcome a new member to Post 246:
Elizabeth Freitas, Persian Gulf veteran and transfer from Post 237, Pleasanton
If you received a COVID-19 vaccine outside of VA, please help keep your medical records updated. How can you do that? 1. Bring your COVID-19 vaccination card to any VA NorCal location and present it to one of the VA clerks. 2. Take a picture of your COVID-19 vaccination card. Send a copy of the card to your care team in a Secure Message on the My HealtheVet website. 3. Fax a copy of your COVID-19 vaccination card to 916-366-5376. If you have questions, please call 1-800-382-8387. INVESTMENT COMMITTEE Phil Connolly is finalizing the plan approved at the June 2, 2021 regular meeting to invest funds from the Post savings account in funds made available by the East Bay Community Foundation (EBCF) to non-profit organizations. Veterans Memorial Building of the San Ramon Valley invested funds successfully through the EBCF. STAND DOWN ON THE DELTA Stand Down on the Delta 2021 "Volunteer Registration" is open. To volunteer September 7-17, 2021, click on the "CLICK HERE" link in the following flyer or go to and click on the link to pick the day and time that you want to volunteer. Stand Down on the Delta will recognize the 20th Anniversary of September 11, 2001 with a special ceremony.
Stand Down On The Delta 2021 Volunteers Needed! September 10-13 Stand Down On The Delta is a 4-day, 3-night event in which Veterans are provided medical and dental, court and legal services, DMV, housing, addiction and mental health counseling, employment, and a myriad of other community services at the Contra Costa County Fairgrounds located in Antioch, CA Your support will help out veterans and their families in the greatest need to make the toughest transition of their lives. We will be remembering 9/11 during this event at a special 20th Anniversary ceremony on Saturday CLICK HERE to register
Girl Scout Troop 30302 is collecting travel size shampoo, conditioner, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and hand sanitizer; wash rags (prefer small, disposable type); and cash donations (cash, check, Venmo) at a barrel on the VMB (400 Hartz Avenue) steps until August 28 for the Stand Down on the Delta. Please make a donation. CCC VETS SERVICE OFFICE The virtual office is accessible from the County’s Veterans Service Office website at In the virtual office, Veterans can receive assistance with filing for VA benefits from an accredited Veterans Service Representative.
The Contra Costa County Veterans Service Office (VSO) is accepting appointments for meetings at the Veterans Memorial Building, Room 208, 400 Hartz Avenue, Danville, CA. Veterans can schedule appointments every Wednesday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Please call the VSO office at (925) 313-1481 to schedule an appointment.
Post 246 Post 246 sponsored an event on July 28, 2021 at Parks RFTA where Army Community Services served lunch to 75 active-duty personnel and their family members. Michelle Lee and Mark Heinemann met with Installation Command Sergeant Major CSM Samuel MacKenzie and Installation Commander LTC Serena Johnson.
Kiwanis moved the 4th of July parade in the Town of Danville to Labor Day weekend on Saturday, 4 September 2021. We are working on arranging military vehicles and a PG&E truck. Boy Scout Troop 888 will provide support to our Post. Contact Eric Ardell if you want to ride in a military or PG&E vehicle.
The SRV Exchange Club presentsthe 20th Annual Remembrance ceremony on Saturday, 9/11 at 4:30 pm in Oak Hill Park. This event is sponsored by the VSOs of the SRV Veterans Memorial Building. Please attend and show our support in your American Legion uniform.
Veterans Memorial Building fundraiser on Monday August 30, 2021 is a “Tips for
Change” event at Gianni’s Italian Bistro. It is the only event for the year to fund all
activities at the VMB. Please support this highly important fundraiser.
Please plan to attend the annual luncheon to honor our 2021 Boys State and Girls State delegates and to hear about their experiences at 1:00 PM on Sunday, 3 October at the VMB Community Hall. VETERANS DAY Post 246 will sponsor a display on “Women in the Military” at the VMB Community Hall on November 11-14, 2021. Please contact Michelle Lee who is leading a steering committee to develop the plan if you want to provide input for our display and Mark Heinemann to volunteer to execute the plan (set-up on November 10, 2021) and staff the display. Post 246 needs your support to develop a great display.
LAS POSITAS COLLEGE VETERANS 2.2 FOR 22 CHALLENGE Las Positas College student veterans are hosting the 4th annual 2.2 for 22 Challenge. The Challenge will commence on October 23, 2021 and end on November 11, 2021. Funds raised support programs for student veterans including mental health services and workshops, scholarships, and attendance at the Student Veterans of America National Conference. Join Michelle Lee and the Heart Guards by signing up at 2.2 for 22 Virtual Challenge Online Registration (
Mark your calendars for Saturday, January 29, 2022 as our Post plans to bring back the live, in-person crab feed and auction.
Contact Eric Ardell or Mark Heinemann if you would like to purchase Legion uniform items (no shipping or taxes required) from Post 246 inventory: Plain Short-Sleeved Uniform Shirt with patches (size Med) (2) - $20.00 ea.
Legion Metal Collar Devices (8) - $10.95 ea.
Navy Blue Polo with white neck trim (Medium) - $29.95
Black Polo with white neck trim (Medium) - $29.95
Navy Blue Polo no trim (X-Large) - $29.95
Navy Blue Polo no trim (X-Large) - $29.95
Legion Cap (size 7) new - $49.95
Legion Cap (size 7) used – $19.95
Alan Scharlach is serving as our “Supply Officer” and will order items for post members. Go to to do your shopping; then email Alan with the item number, quantity, color, and any other details needed to purchase the item you want. If you call Alan, please leave a detailed message including your call back number.
Our fellow member, Dr. Bob Mixson, receives postage stamps for his collection from the Wounded Warrior Program. He would like to pass on, completely free, the stamps that he cannot use to other veterans who collect stamps. If you are interested, you can contact him.
“Not only must we be good, but we must also be good for something.”
– Henry David Thoreau –
Post Officers for 2021-2022:
Commander: Mark Heinemann
1st V. Cmdr.: Michelle Lee
2nd V. Cmdr.: Alan Scharlach
3rd V. Cmdr.: Randy Reid
Adjutant: Bob Landy
Finance: Phil Connolly
Chaplain: Jon Heinson
Historian: Gerald Lindahl
Judge Advocate: Ron Lowe
Sgt-at-Arms: Floyd Cox
Service Officer: Leroy Vares
Junior Past Commander: Eric Ardell
Executive Committee:
Gary Soto
Dick Seavey
Ron Roe
Neil Giles
Appointed Officers & Committee Chairpersons
Asst Adjutant: vacant
Asst Finance: Raoul Miranda
Asst Sgt-at-Arms: Raoul Miranda
Supply Officer: Alan Scharlach
Boys State: Eric Ardell
Girls State: Michelle Lee
Oratorical: Neil Giles
Program Dir: Michelle Lee
Scouting Rep: Alan Scharlach
VMB Ops Committee: Bob Landy
Museum Committee: Ron Farrell
Protocol Officer: Floyd Cox
Board of Trustees: Ron Lowe / Eric Ardell
East Bay Standdown Rep: Mark Heinemann
Veterans Outreach: Mark Heinemann
Membership Committee: Eric Ardell
Post Website:
Post Webmaster: Rusty Orvik
Salvo Editor: Mark Heinemann / Eric Ardell
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 133, Danville, CA 94526
Message Center: (925) 272-8480
Email Address:
Keep saving your pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters for Helmut for Heroes at a future live meeting!!
19 August 2021
Dear American Legion Family,
The recent events in Afghanistan have truly been heart breaking, though The American Legion believes that two decades of war have been more than enough. We will continue to press for the safe evacuation of Special Immigrant Visa applicants and our other close allies. The collapse of the Afghanistan government is a sad event for humanity. The fall of Afghanistan in no way denigrates the honorable service of the men and women who served, bled, and died there.
Bill Oxford
National Commander
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16 August 2021 Dear American Legion Family Members and Friends, The Taliban are retaking control of Afghanistan at an alarming rate. It’s something generations of veterans have seen. A similar takeover occurred in Iraq. And we all know what happened in Vietnam. As a Vietnam veteran, I deeply empathize with today’s veterans who are witnessing this tragic turn of events. But let me be 100 percent clear — the sacrifice, commitment and work by all of our men and women in uniform these past 20 years was worth it. They kept our nation safe when many feared another attack. They brought evil-doers to justice. They delivered hope to war-torn nations. Their courage, victories and selfless acts of service will not be washed away by history. To all the men and women who served and made the world a better, safer and brighter place since the dark day of 9/11, I salute you. As veterans, we have a unique perspective on what all of this means. The action we are seeing today is troubling on an international scale. But also troubling to veterans, especially those who served with honor since 9/11. They may be left questioning what all of this means. They may have trouble processing this turn of events as related to their service. They may experience feelings of depression. But we need to let them know that their service matters today and it will matter tomorrow. I strongly encourage American Legion Family members to take this time to perform Buddy Checks on Afghanistan, Iraq and other veterans during this time. Reach out to your brothers and sisters in arms, and make sure they are doing OK and ask what they need. As a refresher, Buddy Checks are wellness check-ins with veterans who may not seek the help they need on their own. To get started on a Buddy Check, please visit, Additionally, you can also recommend that veterans seeking assistance could tap into VA's Vet Centers. Those are counseling centers that provide combat veteran to combat veteran counseling. To learn more visit, Whether you are a Vietnam veteran, or one from the war on terror or another era, I thank you for your service. No matter when you served, your service mattered. And it’s what will allow freedom and democracy to continue. Veterans Strengthening America.
Bill Oxford, American Legion National Commander
Salvo - August 2021
As I write my first Commander’s Corner, I want to thank all members for your support. I look forward to your guidance and assistance as our Post resumes many of the activities which were cancelled or delayed due to Covid19 in 2020 and 2021. Eric Ardell led us through a challenging time and initiated major changes to our meetings and community programs successfully. Please join me in expressing appreciation to Eric for all he accomplished to make Post 246 a leader in District 9 and Department of California. Please continue to give your suggestions for speakers to Michelle Lee and for Post activities and programs to any of the 2021-2022 Officers and Executive Committee members. Please also raise awareness about issues affecting veterans, active-duty military personnel, and youth in our community for action by our Post. Please check out our website at Jordan Orvik, the son of Rusty Orvik, helped the Post to enhance the website over the last year.
Mark Heinemann
**** Every Saturday 8:00 am to 12:00 pm Coffee at the Vets Hall***
August 4th, Wednesday NO Regular meeting
August 12th, Thursday Social Event, Black Bear Diner, Danville
August 21st, Saturday Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
August 30th, Monday Blue Star Moms Paper Shred Fundraiser, Caldwell Banker Realty, Livery, 101 Sycamore Valley Road, Danville, 1-4 pm
September 1st, Wednesday Regular meeting with speaker TBA, 12:00 pm
September 4th, Saturday Kiwanis “4th of July” Parade
September 6th, Monday Labor Day
September 10th to 13th, Friday-Monday Stand Down on the Delta, CCC Fairgrounds, Antioch
September 11th, Saturday Patriot Day
September 18th, Saturday Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
October 3rd, Sunday Boys & Girls State Recognition Luncheon, 1:00 pm
October 16th, Saturday Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
November 3rd, Wednesday Regular meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm, Beverly Lane
November 11th, Saturday Veterans Day
November 11th to 14th Thursday-Sunday Pop-up VMB Museum, All Day
November 20th, Saturday Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
November 25th, Thursday Thanksgiving Day
December 1st, Wednesday Regular meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm, David Compton
December 11th, Saturday Army - Navy Game, VMB, 12 noon
December 18th, Saturday Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
December 18th, Saturday Wreaths Across America, Alamo Cemetery, 10:00 am
December 25th, Saturday Christmas Day
Post 246 is holding a no-host social event at 6:00 PM on Thursday, August 12, 2021 at the Black Bear Diner (807 Camino Ramon, Danville) since we do not schedule a regular meeting in August. If you and your spouse/guest, as appropriate, plan to attend, please confirm by sending your RSVP to as soon as possible.
September – Our speaker is to be confirmed.
October – Delegates to Girls State and Boys State will speak about their experiences.
November – Beverly Lane, Museum of the San Ramon Valley, will speak about the history of San Ramon Valley veterans. December – David Crompton, Diane Freidman, and Diana Elrod will discuss California State laws on housing and Town of Danville plans to implement housing initiatives.
Mike Clement will assume the position of District 9 Commander for 2021 - 2022 from Randy Reid on July 27, 2021. Please support Mike as District 9 Commander and thank Randy for completing a challenging year as District 9 Commander. Randy implemented many changes during the past year to support efforts of the eight posts in District 9 and maintained a high level of leadership by example for District 9 posts.
As you know, it is now time to renew your membership for calendar year 2022. There are two easy ways to renew:
1) go to and click on the RENEW button, fill out the form, and you are done; or,
2) send the Post a check for $45 to PO Box 133, Danville, CA 94526 and we will process it for you.
Please welcome these new members to our post:
• Kristopher Edwards, a first Gulf War Navy vet, a transfer from Post 1000
• Timothy Greenhouse, a Plebe at the US Military Academy, a new member
• Lily Holtmeier, a Plebe at the US Military Academy, a new member
• Mary O'Donnell, USCG (ret), a new member and our July speaker
• Joseph Toscano, a Panama era vet, a transfer from Post 1000.
If you received a COVID-19 vaccine outside of VA, please help keep your medical records updated. How can you do that?
• Bring your COVID-19 vaccination card to any VA NorCal location and present it to one of the VA clerks.
• Take a picture of your COVID-19 vaccination card. Send a copy of the card to your care team in a Secure Message on the My HealtheVet website.
• Fax a copy of your COVID-19 vaccination card to 916-366-5376.
If you have questions, please call 1-800-382-8387.
Phil Connolly is finalizing the plan approved at the June 2, 2021 regular meeting to invest funds from the Post savings account in a fund made available by the East Bay Community Foundation (EBCF) to non-profit organizations. Veterans Memorial Building of the San Ramon Valley invested funds successfully through the EBCF.
Stand Down on the Delta 2021 "Volunteer Registration" is open. To volunteer September 7-17, 2021, click on the "CLICK HERE" link below or go to and click on the link to pick the day and time that you want to volunteer. Stand Down on the Delta made "Unity" the theme and will recognize the 20th Anniversary of September 11, 2001 with a special ceremony.
Stand Down On The Delta 2021
Volunteers Needed!
September 10-13 Stand Down On The Delta is a 4 day, 3 night event in which Veterans are provided medical and dental, court and legal services, DMV, housing, addiction and mental health counseling, employment, and a myriad of other community services at the Contra Costa County Fairgrounds located in Antioch, CA Your support will help out veterans and their families in the greatest need to make the toughest transition of their lives. We will be remembering 9/11 during this event at a special 20th Anniversary ceremony on Saturday
CLICK HERE to register
The virtual office is accessible from the County’s Veterans Service Office website at In the virtual office, Veterans can receive assistance with filing for VA benefits from an accredited Veterans Service Representative. The Contra Costa County Veterans Service Office (VSO) is accepting appointments for meetings at the Veterans Memorial Building, Room 208, 400 Hartz Avenue, Danville, CA. Veterans can schedule appointments every Wednesday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Please call the VSO office at (925) 313-1481 to schedule an appointment.
2nd Vice Commander Alan Scharlach, our Chartered Representative for Scouting, visited Oakmont Mortuary in June which graciously retired our American Flags. The ashes were placed in a position of honor inside an Ossuary dedicated for that purpose.
Kiwanis moved the 4th of July parade in the Town of Danville to Labor Day weekend on Saturday, 4 September 2021. We are working on arranging a color guard, military vehicles, a PG&E truck, and Boy Scout support. Contact Eric Ardell if you want to ride in a military or PG&E vehicle. Contact Mark Heinemann if you want to participate as a member of the color guard.
Post 246 will sponsor a display on “Women in the Military” at the VMB Community Hall on November 11-14, 2021. Please contact Eric Ardell, Michelle Lee, or Mark Heinemann to support the Post’s effort to develop a great display.
The Department convention took place 25-27 June 2021 virtually. Randy Reid as District 9 Commander attended the virtual meeting along with Eric Ardell, Mark Heinemann, Bob Landy, Michelle Lee, and Raoul Miranda as Post 246 delegates. The convention accepted several amendments to the Department of California bylaws.
The flyer for the upcoming Veterans Memorial Building fundraiser on Monday August 30, 2021 provides details of this fundraiser. This event is a “Tips for Change” event at Gianni’s Italian Bistro. It is the only event for the year to fund all the activities at the VMB. Please support this highly important fundraiser.
Mark your calendars for Saturday, January 29, 2022 as our Post plans to bring back the live, in-person crab feed and auction.
We have the following Legion uniform items available for purchase (no shipping or taxes required):
Plain Short-Sleeved Uniform Shirt with patches (size Med) (2) - $20.00 ea
(These shirts are new but purchased from a local uniform shirt company years ago; patches are sewed on)
Legion Metal Collar Devices (10) - $10.95 ea
Navy Blue Polo with white neck trim (Medium) - $29.95
Black Polo with white neck trim (Medium) - $29.95
Navy Blue Polo no trim (X-Large) - $29.95
Navy Blue Polo no trim (X-Large) - $29.95
Legion Cap (size 7) new - $49.95
Legion Cap (size 7) used – $19.95
Call Eric Ardell if you would like to make a purchase!!
Alan Scharlach ( is our post “Supply Officer” and will order items for individual post members. Go to to do your shopping; then email Alan with the item number, quantity, color, and any other item details needed to purchase the item you want. If you call Alan, please leave a detailed message.
Our fellow member, Dr. Bob Mixson, receives postage stamps for his collection from the Wounded Warrior Program. He would like to pass on, completely free, the stamps that he cannot use to other veterans who collect stamps. If you are interested, you can contact him at 925-899-6018.
“Not only must we be good, but we must also be good for something.”
– Henry David Thoreau –
Salvo - July 2021
As I sit down to write my final Commander’s Corner, I want to thank all of you for
your support and assistance. It has been a great team effort in growing our
membership by about 30%, conducting our yearly fundraising events, participating
in American Legion, Veterans Memorial Building, and community events, and
gaining financial stability thanks to Admiral Russell Gorman.
I turn over command of the post to Mark Heinemann who I am sure will build on
our progress and continue to make the post a great place to participate in many
veteran programs and events. I encourage all of you to give Mark your full
cooperation and support.
One thing you can all do, give us your suggestions for speakers, for post activities, or
how you might help with current activities.
Be sure to see our new website at Check it out!!
Stay safe and wear your masks (a little bit longer)!!!
Eric, Commander
**** Every Saturday 8:00 am to 12:00 pm Coffee at the Vets Hall IS BACK!!
June 19th, Saturday Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
June 19th to 25th California Boys State (virtual)
June 25th to 27th Dept of California Convention (virtual)
June 28th to July 3rd California Girls State (virtual)
July 4th, Sunday Independence Day Kiwanis Parade (CANCELLED)
July 7th, Wednesday Regular meeting w/speaker, 12:00 pm RAdm Mary O’Donnell, USCG
In-Person Installation of Officers, District Commander, Mike Clement
July 17th, Saturday NO Executive Committee meeting
August 4th, Wednesday NO Regular meeting
August 21st, Saturday Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
September 1st, Wednesday Regular meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm TBD
September 4th, Saturday Kiwanis “4th of July” Parade
September 6th, Monday Labor Day
September 10th to 13th, Friday-Monday Standdown on the Delta, CCC Fairgrounds, Antioch
September 18th, Saturday Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
October 3rd, Sunday Boys & Girls State Recognition Luncheon, 1:00 pm
October 16th, Saturday Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
October 31st, Sunday Halloween
Our speaker for our July 7 regular meeting is Rear Admiral Mary O’Donnell, US
Coast Guard (Ret.). She was commissioned on April 13, 1973.
She graduated from Ohio State University where she received a Bachelor of Science
degree in English Education; from Michigan State University with a Master of Arts
in Comparative Literature, and from the University of Michigan's School of
Business, completing studies in Strategic Human Resources Planning. She also
attended Golden Gate University, completing the course work for a Master of
Public Administration and attended the Naval War College, the National Defense
University, and completed the CAPSTONE program for flag officers.
Her military awards include the Distinguished Service Medal, Korean Theater
Medal, and the Meritorious Service Medal with 3 gold stars.
In September 2009, President Obama appointed Rear Admiral O’Donnell to the
Military Leadership Diversity Commission.
In her civilian capacity, Rear Admiral O'Donnell is the Director of Mission Support
Services at National Security Technologies, LLC, Las Vegas, Nevada. Her home is
in Danville, California, with her husband, Claes Elfving, and two daughters.
Mike Clement, 2021-2022 District 9 Commander will also speak and give us an
update on District 9 and his plans for the year.
Korean War Purple Heart Recipient - Former Mayor of Concord - Veterans
Advocate - VMB Advisory Board during redevelopment
A memorial service for MG Dan Helix will be held at the Concord Pavilion on June
26th at 11am. The family requests, in lieu of flowers, if you would like to send
memoriam, please send to United States Volunteers, 815 Fulton Shipyard Rd,
Antioch, CA 94509, or to your favorite charity
Thank you for this very generous donation to the Martinez Veterans Service Office
on behalf of Veterans Voices. AL Post 246 will be recognized as a sponsor on the
upcoming Veterans Voices episodes (next episode is June 14th @ 7pm).
If you received a COVID-19 vaccine outside of VA, please help keep your medical
records updated. How can you do that?
1. Bring your COVID-19 vaccination card to any
VA NorCal location and present it to one of our
2. Take a picture of your COVID-19 vaccination card. Send a copy of the card to
your care team in a Secure Message on the My HealtheVet website.
3. Fax a copy of your COVID-19 vaccination card to 916-366-5376.
If you have questions, please call 1-800-382-8387. Thank you for your service!
Stand Down on the Delta 2021 "Volunteer Registration" is open. To Volunteer time
September 7-17, 2021, click the link or go
to and click
the "The Big Red Button" to pick your
area and time you want to Volunteer.
This year's theme is "Unity" and the 20th
Anniversary of September 11, 2001, will be
recognized with a special ceremony.
Stand Down On The Delta 2021
Volunteers Needed!
September 10-13
Stand Down On The Delta is a 4 day, 3 night event
in which Veterans are provided medical and dental,
court and legal services, DMV, housing, addiction
and mental health counseling, employment, and a
myriad of other community services at the Contra
Costa County Fairgrounds located in Antioch, CA
Your support will help out veterans and their families
in the greatest need to make the toughest transition
of their lives.
We will be remembering 9/11 during this event at a
special 20th Anniversary ceremony on Saturday
Martinez VSO was recognized with an Achievement Award
from the National Association of Counties (NACo). The award
honors innovative, effective county programs that strengthen
services for residents, highlighting the virtual VSO for its
innovativeness in extending claims representation to
Veterans and their families. The virtual office is accessible from the County’s
Veterans Service Office website at In the virtual office,
Veterans can receive assistance from an accredited Veterans Service
Representative with filing for VA benefits.
The Department convention will take place 25-27 June 2021 (Friday to Sunday)
virtually. Eric Ardell, Mark Heinemann, Randy Reid, Michelle Lee, Raoul
Miranda, and Bob Landy will be the Post 246 delegates.
We have the following Legion uniform items available for purchase (no shipping or
taxes required):
Plain Short-Sleeved Uniform Shirt with patches (size Med) (2) - $20.00 ea
(These shirts are new but purchased from a local uniform shirt company years ago;
patches are sewed on)
Legion Metal Collar Devices (10) - $10.95 ea
Navy Blue Polo with white neck trim (Medium) - $29.95
Black Polo with white neck trim (Medium) - $29.95
Navy Blue Polo no trim (X-Large) - $29.95
Navy Blue Polo no trim (X-Large) - $29.95
Legion Cap (size 7) new - $49.95
Legion Cap (size 7) used – $19.95
Call Eric Ardell if you would like to make a purchase!!
Alan Scharlach is our post “Supply Officer” and will order items for individual post
members. Go to to do your shopping; then email Alan
with the item number, quantity, color, and any other item details needed to
purchase the item you want.
“I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the
government from wasting the labors of the people, under the pretense of
taking care of them.”
Post Officers for 2021-2022:
Commander: Mark Heinemann
1st V. Cmdr: Michelle Lee
2nd V. Cmdr: Alan Scharlach
3rd V. Cmdr: Randy Reid
Adjutant: Bob Landy
Finance: Phil Connolly
Chaplain: Jon Heinson
Historian: Gerald Lindahl
Judge Advocate: Ron Lowe
Sgt-at-Arms: Floyd Cox
Service Officer: Leroy Vares
Junior Past Commander: Eric Ardell
Executive Committee:
Gary Soto
Dick Seavey
Ron Roe
Neil Giles
Appointed Officers & Committee Chairpersons
Asst Adjutant: vacant
Asst Finance: Raoul Miranda
Asst Sgt-at-Arms: Raoul Miranda
Supply Officer: Alan Scharlach
Boys State: Eric Ardell.
Girls State: Michelle Lee
Oratorical: Neil Giles
Pgm Dir: Michelle Lee
Scouting Rep: Alan Scharlach
VMB Ops Committee: Bob Landy
Museum Committee: Ron Farrell
Protocol Officer: Floyd Cox
Board of Trustees: Ron Lowe / Eric Ardell
East Bay Standdown Rep: Mark Heinemann
Veterans Outreach: Mark Heinemann
Post Website: Post Webmaster.....Rusty Orvik
Salvo Editor: TBD
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 133, Danville, CA 94526 Message Center: (925) 272-8480
Keep saving your pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters for Helmut for Heroes at a future live meeting!!
A P-51 STORY (I could not help but share)
This 1967 true story is of an experience by a young 12-year-old lad in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. It is
about the vivid memory of a privately rebuilt P-51 from WWII and its famous owner/pilot.
In the morning sun, I could not believe my eyes. There, in our little airport, sat a majestic P-51. They said it had
flown in during the night from some U.S. Airport, on its way to an air show. The pilot had been tired, so he just
happened to choose Kingston for his stop over. It was to take to the air very soon. I marveled at the size of the
plane, dwarfing the Pipers and Canucks tied down by her. It was much larger than in the movies. She glistened in
the sun like a bulwark of security from days gone by.
The pilot arrived by cab, paid the driver, and then stepped into the pilot's lounge. He was an older man; his wavy
hair was gray and tossed. It looked like it might have been combed, say, around the turn of the century. His flight
jacket was checked, creased and worn - it smelled old and genuine. Old Glory was prominently sewn to its
shoulders. He projected a quiet air of proficiency and pride devoid of arrogance. He filed a quick flight plan to
Montreal ("Expo-67 Air Show") then walked across the tarmac.
After taking several minutes to perform his walk-around check, the tall, lanky man returned to the flight lounge to
ask if anyone would be available to stand by with fire extinguishers while he "flashed the old bird up, just to be
safe." Though only 12 at the time I was allowed to stand by with an extinguisher after brief instruction on its use --
"If you see a fire, point, then pull this lever!", he said. (I later became a firefighter, but that's another story.) The air
around the exhaust manifolds shimmered like a mirror from fuel fumes as the huge prop started to rotate. One
manifold, then another, and yet another barked -- I stepped back with the others. In moments the Packard -built
Merlin engine came to life with a thunderous roar. Blue flames knifed from her manifolds with an arrogant snarl. I
looked at the others' faces; there was no concern. I lowered the bell of my extinguisher. One of the guys signaled
to walk back to the lounge. We did.
Several minutes later we could hear the pilot doing his pre-flight run-up. He'd taxied to the end of runway 19, out
of sight. All went quiet for several seconds. We ran to the second story deck to see if we could catch a glimpse of
the P-51 as she started down the runway. We could not. There we stood, eyes fixed to a spot half way down 19.
Then a roar ripped across the field, much louder than before. Like a furious hell spawn set loose -- something
mighty this way was coming. "Listen to that thing!" said the controller.
In seconds the Mustang burst into our line of sight. It's tail was already off the runway and it was moving faster
than anything I'd ever seen by that point on 19. Two-thirds the way down 19 the Mustang was airborne with her
gear going up. The prop tips were supersonic. We clasped our ears as the Mustang climbed hellishly fast into the
circuit to be eaten up by the dog-day haze. We stood for a few moments, in stunned silence, trying to digest what
we'd just seen.
The radio controller rushed by me to the radio. "Kingston tower calling Mustang?" He looked back to us as he
waited for an acknowledgement. The radio crackled, "Go ahead, Kingston." "Roger, Mustang. Kingston tower
would like to advise the circuit is clear for a low-level pass." I stood in shock because the controller had just asked
the pilot to do an impromptu air show! The controller looked at us. "Well, What? I can't let that guy go without
asking. I couldn't forgive myself!" The radio crackled once again, "Kingston, do I have permission for a low-level
pass, east to west, across the field?" "Roger, Mustang, the circuit is clear for an east to west pass." "Roger,
Kingston, I'm coming out of 3,000 feet, stand by."
We rushed back onto the second-story deck, eyes fixed toward the eastern haze. The sound was subtle at first, a
high-pitched whine, a muffled screech, a distant scream. Moments later the P-51 burst through the haze. Her
airframe straining against positive G's and gravity. Her wing tips spilling contrails of condensed air, prop-tips again
supersonic. The burnished bird blasted across the eastern margin of the field shredding and tearing the air. At
about 500 mph and 150 yards from where we stood, she passed with the old American pilot saluting. I felt like
laughing; I felt like crying; she glistened; she screamed; the building shook; my heart pounded. Then the old pilot
pulled her up and rolled, and rolled, and rolled out of sight into the broken clouds and indelible into my memory.
I've never wanted to be an American more than on that day! It was a time when many nations in the world looked
to America as their big brother. A steady and even-handed beacon of security who navigated difficult political
water with grace and style; not unlike the old American pilot who'd just flown into my memory. He was proud, not
arrogant, humble, not a braggart, old and honest, projecting an aura of America at its best.
That America will return one day! I know it will! Until that time, I'll just send off this story. Call it a loving reciprocal
salute to a Country, and especially to that old American pilot: the late-JIMMY STEWART (1908-1997), Actor, real
WWII Hero (Commander of a US Army Air Force Bomber Wing stationed in England), and a USAF Reserves
Brigadier General, who wove a wonderfully fantastic memory for a young Canadian boy that's lasted a lifetime.
Salvo - June 2021
FLASH!!! The really good news is we are back to live meetings!! We only had 12
intrepid souls to join us but that is a great start, including: Robert Mixson, a
member who we had not been able to contact for some time because of bad info but
reconnected based on a personal visit; and Ed Ott who we had not seen for over a
year. Don McInnes a long-time member checked in on Zoom. Glad to see you all!
We will continue with live meetings going forward as well as Zoom for the time
being. We will work on making the Zoom hookup more inclusive so maybe
everyone can see everyone else if that will work.
The Officer election was held at our May regular meeting. The following officers
were elected:
Commander – Mark Heinemann
1st Vice Commander – Michelle Lee
2nd Vice Commander – Alan Scharlach
Executive Committee – Neil Giles, Gary Soto, and Ron Roe
Appointed Officers are:
3rd Vice Commander – Randy Reid
Junior Past Commander – Eric Ardell
Adjutant – Bob Landy
Finance Officer: Phil Connolly
Chaplain: Jon Heinson
Historian: Gerald Lindahl
Judge Advocate: Ron Lowe
Sgt-at-Arms: Floyd Cox
Service Officer: Leroy Vares
Executive Committee – Dick Seavey
We are planning on Officer installation at our regular meeting on 7 July 2021.
Please plan to attend in person.
I know I have been tracking our membership status for 2021 but guess what. 1 July
we move on to start 2022 membership renewals. I hope you will consider renewing
your membership at your earliest opportunity and thank you for your continuing
We are going to start a fourth round of Buddy Calls and focus on those members
who we have not reach so far and those members who we have not talked since last
year. We would really love if members would volunteer to help.
Be sure to see our new website at Check it out!!
Stay safe and wear your masks!!!
Eric, Commander
**** Every Saturday 8:00 am to 12:00 pm Coffee at the Vets Hall IS BACK!!
May 23rd, Sunday VMB High School Swearing-in Ceremony
May 30th, Sunday VNVDV Memorial Day Ceremony, CANCELLED
May 31st, Monday Memorial Day
June 2nd, Wednesday Regular meeting with speaker Alberto Aranda, 12:00 pm
June 14th. Monday Flag Day
June 19th, Saturday Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
June 19th to 25th California Boys State (virtual)
June 25th to 27th Dept of California Convention (virtual)
June 28th to July 3rd California Girls State (virtual)
July 4th, Sunday Independence Day Kiwanis Parade (CANCELLED)
July 7th, Wednesday Regular meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm TBD, In-Person Installation of Officers
July 17th, Saturday NO Executive Committee meeting
August 4th, Wednesday NO Regular meeting
August 21st, Saturday Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
September 1st, Wednesday Regular meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm TBD
September 6th, Monday Labor Day
September 18th, Saturday Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
October 3rd, Sunday Boys & Girls State Recognition Luncheon, 1:00 pm
October 16th, Saturday Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
October 31st, Sunday Halloween
Our speaker for June will be Alberto Aranda, M.S., Faculty Counselor-Veterans/
General, Diablo Valley College, USMC/OIF Veteran. He will speak on issues facing
student veterans, in general; and about issues the DVC Student Veteran Alliance
faces, anything on the horizon for student vets, any good news or success stories.
VA announces public virtual listening sessions on development and implementation
of the Staff Sergeant Parker Gordon Fox Suicide Prevention Grant Program
The VA will be holding two public virtual listening sessions to help inform VA’s development of the
Staff Sergeant Parker Gordon Fox Suicide Prevention Grant Program (SSG Fox SPGP) and its
implementing regulations. The virtual sessions will occur on May 25 and May 26, 2021 from 10:00
a.m. to 5:00 p.m. eastern standard time. Virtual check-in will begin at 9:00 a.m. for registered
speakers. Oral comments, testimonies, and/or technical remarks will be time limited based on the
number of speakers (see notice for details).
Registration information is located in the Federal Register.
The SSG Fox SPGP, created pursuant to Section 201 of the Commander John Scott Hannon Veterans
Mental Health Care Improvement Act of 2019, is a three-year community-based grant program that
would provide financial assistance to eligible entities to provide or coordinate providing suicide
prevention services to eligible Veterans and their families. On April 1, 2021, VA published a request for
information in the Federal Register (86 FR 17268) seeking written comments from the public with an
accompanying Press Release. Listening sessions are an opportunity for interested persons to help
inform VA’s development of the SSG Fox SPGP.
or more information about the SSG Fox SPGP please visit
Bob was a long-time member of
the Marine Corps League as well
as VMB docent. Most
importantly he was the host for
Saturday morning coffee for
several years. Please contact Jon Robbins at
For questions or to RSVP since attendance may be limited.
Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders have a rich heritage thousands of years old,
have both shaped the history of the United States, and had their lives dramatically
influenced by moments in its history. Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders have
answered the call to duty through every major war and continue to serve diligently
today through all branches of our military.
The California Department of Veterans Affairs Minority and Underrepresented
Veterans Division is hosting an informational webinar to commemorate Asian
American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, recognizing and celebrating all
Asian and Pacific Islander American Veterans and their contributions to our
Armed Forces.
Join us on Thursday, May 27 at 10 a.m. to ask us questions, share ideas, and learn
more about our Division and how we continue to support underrepresented
veterans. All veterans and family members are invited to join the conversation,
which will take place via Zoom.
Registration Link:
The Department convention will be held 25-27 June 2021 (Friday to Sunday)
virtually. Eric Ardell, Mark Heinemann, Randy Reid, Michelle Lee, Raoul
Miranda, and Bob Landy will be the Post 246 delegates.
Do you have an old or worn US flag you would like to have retired in the proper
manner? Alan Scharlach will be doing so in June so bring your flag(s) to the
Veterans Memorial Building by noon on June 2, 2021 and place in the flag basket at
the front entrance.
Still no takers? Like to take pictures with an iPhone or camera? We need YOU!!
We are looking for a post photographer(s) to help capture pictures and videos of our
post activities. There is a need to attend many our functions. Please give me a call.
Alan Scharlach is our post “Supply Officer” and is available to order items for
individual post members. Go to to do your shopping;
then email Alan with the item number, quantity, color, and any other item details
needed to purchase the item you want.
The Town of Danville website contains links to notices, alerts, news flash, calendar,
etc. about all things Danville:
American Legion self-paced online course; go to
“If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led,
like sheep to the slaughter.”
George Washington
Post Officers for 2020-2021:
Commander: Eric Ardell
1st V. Cmdr: Mark Heinemann
2nd V. Cmdr: Alan Scharlach
3rd V. Cmdr: Randy Reid
Adjutant: Bob Landy
Finance: Phil Connolly
Chaplain: Jon Heinson
Historian: Gerald Lindahl
Judge Advocate: Ron Lowe
Sgt-at-Arms: Floyd Cox
Service Officer: Leroy Vares
Executive Committee:
Gary Soto
Dick Seavey
Ron Roe
Neil Giles
Michelle Lee
Appointed Officers & Committee Chairpersons
Asst Adjutant: vacant
Asst Finance: Raoul Miranda
Asst Sgt-at-Arms: Raoul Miranda
Supply Officer: Alan Scharlach
Boys State: Eric Ardell
Girls State: Michelle Lee
Oratorical: Neil Giles
Pgm Dir: Michelle Lee
Scouting Rep: Alan Scharlach
VMB Ops Committee: Bob Landy
Museum Committee: Ron Farrell
Protocol Officer: Floyd Cox
Board of Trustees: Ron Lowe / Eric Ardell
East Bay Standdown Rep: Mark Heinemann
Veterans Outreach: Mark Heinemann
Post Website: Post Webmaster: Rusty Orvik
Salvo Editor: Eric Ardell
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 133, Danville, CA 94526 Message Center: (925) 272-8480
Keep saving your pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters for Helmut for Heroes at a future live meeting!!
Salvo - May 2021
News Flash: The election of officers will be held at our May meeting for Commander, 1st Vice Commander, 2nd Vice Commander, and 3 members of the Executive Committee. These officers will lead the Post for the 2121-2022 year. If you are interested in serving your post and the American Legion as either an elected or appointed officer, please contact us now! This is your post so come help us make it bigger and better! Installation of officers will be held at the first live regular meeting, hopefully this summer.
The Veterans Memorial Building’s High School Swearing-in Ceremony is being planned for 23 May 2021 at 1:00pm on the Library Green on Front Street inDanville. Attendance may well be somewhat limited but currently we know of six recruits and several appointees to the military academies. We are asking all VSOsto provide help in setup, ushering, and cleanup along with a contingent of our Boy Scouts. Please contact me if you will help.
Vaccine information is really encouraging, and live meetings may now be on the horizon. But keep wearing a mask and social distance. Let us do our part and wear them in any public setting.
Third call to say hi to Robert Denison, Ken Duley, David Horton, William House, Sally Malone, Dr. Conrad Rougeux, Lee Sarty, Kenneth Winters, and Richard Zaslove. We want to make sure you are doing well and ask if you need any assistance. We will keep trying to reach you, but if you would, please give us a call.
We are almost to 100% membership: now at 96.7% of members as of 3/12/21! Our goal is 153; we currently have 35 PFULs, 41 members paid online, 66 members paid through the Post, and 6 transfers from Post 1000. That is 148 out of 153 members that continue support of our post and the Legion. Thank you!!
We are going to start a fourth round of Buddy Calls and focus on those members who we have not been able to reach so far and those members who we have not talked since last year. We would really love if those who would like to help.
I want to say welcome to our newest member Adriana Santos, an Army veteran and student at Los Positas College. You may remember her as one of our recent speakers.
Be sure to see our new website at Check it out!!
Stay safe and wear your masks!!!
Eric, Commander
**** Every Saturday 9 to 12 Coffee at the Vets Hall **** Back soon!!
April 17th, Saturday Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
May 5th, Wednesday Regular meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm TBD
Speaker – Nathan Johnson, CCC Veterans Service Officer
Election of Officers/Exec Committee
May 15th, Saturday Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
May 23rd, Sunday VMB High School Swearing-in Ceremony
May 30th, Sunday VNVDV Memorial Day Ceremony, Cancelled
May 31st, Monday Memorial Day
June 2nd, Wednesday Regular meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm TBD
In-Person Installation of Officers (TBD)
June 19th, Saturday Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
June 19th to 25th California Boys State (virtual)
June 28th to July 3rd California Girls State (virtual)
July 4th, Sunday Independence Day
Kiwanis Parade (status unknown)
July 7th, Wednesday Regular meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm TBD
July 17th, Saturday NO Executive Committee meeting
August 4th, Wednesday NO Regular meeting
August 21st, Saturday Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
September 1st, Wednesday Regular meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm TBD
September 18th, Saturday Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
October 3rd, Sunday Boys & Girls State Recognition Luncheon, 1:00 pm
Our speaker for May will be Nathan Johnson, Veterans Service Officer for Contra
Costa County in Martinez. He hosts Veterans Voices, a monthly live talk show
featured on Contra Costa Television. Nathan has been an adjunct faculty member
at Golden Gate University since 2017. Nathan served in the Marine Corps as an
intelligence analyst with 1st Marine Regiment at Camp Pendleton, CA. After
September 11, 2001, Sergeant Nathan Johnson deployed to Pakistan where he
supported Operation Enduring Freedom, and again on January 17, 2003, where he
crossed the border into Iraq with Regimental Combat Team 1 in combat operations
to defeat the Iraqi Army, Iraqi Republican Guard, and the Saddam Fedayeen. He
was honorably discharged from the Marine Corps in August of 2003. He then
moved to the Bay Area and earned his BA in Communications at CSU Stanislaus
and his MSW at UC Berkeley. He is pursuing his MBA at Golden Gate University.
Our speaker for June will be Alberto Aranda, M.S., Faculty Counselor-Veterans/
General, Diablo Valley College, USMC/OIF Veteran. He will speak on issues facing
student veterans, in general; and about issues facing student veterans, challenges
which the DVC Student Veteran Alliance faces, anything on the horizon for student
vets, any good news or success stories.
In commemoration of the 106th Anniversary of the awarding of the Medal of Honor
to Fireman Second Class Telesforo Trinidad, the USS Telesforo Trinidad Campaign
is launching an initiative to name A US Navy Warship after an American national
of Filipino descent who served in the US Navy. Trinidad holds the distinction of
being the first and only Asian American (and first Filipino) in the U.S. Navy to
receive a Medal of Honor. He received the Medal of Honor for extraordinary
heroism during boiler explosions onboard the USS San Diego (ACR-6) while
underway in the Gulf of California on January 21, 1915. Trinidad brought two
crewmembers to safety in spite of his own physical injuries from the explosion.
For further information, please visit Facebook/USSTTC.
Vice Commander Alan Scharlach joined a fantastic with Boy Scout Troop 60 Court
of Honor on. Boy Scouts are awarded merit badge recognition, scout advancement
and for the studious few, their Eagle Scout award. Troop 60 out did themselves
with six (6) Scouts becoming Eagles and two of them Eagles with Palm (meaning
they earned at least 5 additional merit badges more than was necessary to become
Eagles). In context, only 11% of all Boy Scouts are awarded Eagles. Having five (5)
at one Court of Honor acknowledges the great leadership and drive of these Scouts
and this Troop.
Among some of the achievements this year for the Troop were hiking, practicing
Flag Etiquette at the Veterans Memorial Building, and Eagle
Projects such as building road barriers. Pictures can be seen at
our website under Boy Scout Troop 60 album. Sadly, after 5
years both Boy Scout Troop 60's Scout Master Jim Saunders and
their Committee Chairman Praveen Kasani will be retiring from
their posts and moving on. Both Jim and Praveen have been
great supporters of our Post, supplying Scouts for the Crab feed,
Fourth of July Parade, swearing in ceremonies just to name a
few events.
Still no takers? Like to take pictures with an iPhone or camera? We need YOU!!
We are looking for a post photographer(s) to help capture pictures and videos of our
post activities. There is a need to attend many our functions. Please give me a call.
Alan Scharlach is our post “Supply Officer” and is available to order items for
individual post members. Go to to do your shopping;
then email Alan with the item number, quantity, color, and any other item details
needed to purchase the item you want.
The Town of Danville website contains links to notices, alerts, news flash, calendar,
etc. about all things Danville:
American Legion self-paced online course; go to
Seventy-five years, a Band of Roughnecks went abroad on a top-secret mission
into Robin Hood's stomping grounds to punch oil wells to help fuel England's
war machines. The year was 1943 and England was mired in World War II. Uboats attacked supply vessels, choking off badly needed supplies to the nation.
But oil was the commodity they most needed as they warred with Germany.
A book "The Secret of Sherwood Forest: Oil Production in England During
World War II" written by Guy Woodward and Grace Steele Woodward was
published in 1973 and tells the obscure story of the American oil men who
went to England to bore wells in March 1943. England had but one oil field, in
Sherwood Forest of all places. Its meager output of 300 barrels a day was
literally a drop in the bucket of their needs of 150,000 barrels.
Then a plan was devised: send some Americans and their expertise to assist in
developing the field. Oklahoma based Noble Drilling Company signed a one
year contract to drill 100 wells for merely costs and expenses.
42 drillers and roughnecks from Texas and Oklahoma, most in their teens and
early twenties volunteered for the mission to go abroad. The hands embarked
for England in March 1943 aboard the HMS Queen Elizabeth. Four National 50
drilling rigs were loaded onto ships but only three of them made landfall; the
Nazi U-boats sank one of the rigs in route to the UK.
The Brits' jaws dropped as the Yanks began punching the wells in a week,
compared to five to eight weeks for their British counterparts. They worked
12-hour tours, 7 days a week and within a year, they had drilled 106 wells and
England oil production shot up from 300 barrels a day to 300,000.
The contract fulfilled; the American oil men departed England in late March
1944. But only 41 hands were on board the return voyage. Herman Douthit, a
Texan derrick-hand was killed during the operation. He was laid to rest with
full military honors and remains the only civilian to be buried at The
American Military Cemetery in Cambridge.
"The Oil Patch Warrior," a 7-foot bronze statue of a roughneck holding a four
foot pipe wrench stands near Nottingham England to honor the American oil
men's assistance and sacrifice in the war.
"It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than
by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong."
Thomas Sowell
Post Officers for 2020-2021:
Commander: Eric Ardell
st V. Cmdr: Mark Heinemann
nd V. Cmdr: Alan Scharlach
rd V. Cmdr: Randy Reid
Adjutant: Bob Landy
Finance: Phil Connolly
Chaplain: Jon Heinson
Historian: Gerald Lindahl
Judge Advocate: Ron Lowe
Sgt-at-Arms: Floyd Cox
Service Officer: Leroy Vares
Executive Committee:
Gary Soto
Dick Seavey
Ron Roe
Neil Giles
Michelle Lee
Appointed Officers & Committee Chairpersons
Asst Adjutant: vacant
Asst Finance: Raoul Miranda
Asst Sgt-at-Arms: Raoul Miranda
Supply Officer: Alan Scharlach
Boys State: Eric Ardell
Girls State: Michelle Lee
Oratorical: Neil Giles
Pgm Dir: Michelle Lee
Scouting Rep: Alan Scharlach
VMB Ops Committee: Bob Landy
Museum Committee: Ron Farrell
Protocol Officer: Floyd Cox
Board of Trustees: Ron Lowe / Eric Ardell
East Bay Standdown Rep: Mark Heinemann
Veterans Outreach: Mark Heinemann
Post Website: Post Webmaster: Rusty Orvik
Salvo Editor: Eric Ardell
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 133, Danville, CA 94526 Message Center: (925) 272-8480
Keep saving your pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters for Helmut for Heroes at a future live
Salvo- April 2021
FULL VERSION with Images
News Flash: Our April regular meeting has been moved to Tuesday, 6 April at
12:00 pm to accommodate the very busy schedule of our speaker, Major General
Garrett Yee, Assistant to the Director of DISA. See note and bio below.
Congratulations to Bob Landy who will be recognized as Chamber of Commerce
Ambassador of the Year at the State of the Town event on 1 April 2021!!
Congratulations also (belated) to Michelle Lee who has been elected to the San
Ramon Valley Fire Protection District Board of Directors!! I feed safer already!
Nominations for elected officers will be opened at our April meeting for
Commander, 1st Vice Commander, 2nd Vice Commander, and 3 members of the
Executive Committee. These officers will lead the Post for the 2121-2022 year. If
you are interested in serving your post and the American Legion as either an elected
or appointed officer, please contact us now! This is your post so come help us make
it bigger and better!
The election of officers will be held at our regular meeting in May with installation
of officers at the first live regular meeting, hopefully this summer.
The Veterans Memorial Building’s High School Swearing-in Ceremony is being
planned for 23 May 2021 at 1:00pm on the Library Green on Front Street in
Danville. Attendance may well be somewhat limited but currently we know of six
recruits and several appointees to the military academies. We are asking all VSOs
to provide help in setup, ushering, and cleanup along with a contingent of our Boy
Scouts. Please contact me if you will help.
Vaccine information is really encouraging, and live meetings may now be on the
horizon. But keep wearing a mask and social distance. Let us do our part and wear
them in any public setting.
We still want to say hi to Robert Denison, Ken Duley, David Horton, William
House, Sally Malone, Dr. Conrad Rougeux, Lee Sarty, Kenneth Winters, and
Richard Zaslove. We want to make sure you are doing well and ask if you need any
assistance. We will keep trying to reach you, but if you would, please give us a call.
We are almost to 100% membership: now at 96.7% of members as of 3/12/21! Our
goal is 153; we currently have 35 PFULs, 41 members paid online, 66 members paid
through the Post, and 6 transfers from Post 1000. That is 148 out of 153 members
that continue support of our post and the Legion. Thank you!!
We are going to start a fourth round of Buddy Calls and focus on those members
who we have not been able to reach so far and those members who we have not
talked since last year. We would really love if those who would like to help
Please say Hi! to our new members Grady High and Charles Noland, transfers from
Post 1000; and Mike Yura, a transfer from Post 517. I hope we get to meet them in
person very soon.
Be sure to see our new website at Check it out!!
Stay safe and wear your masks!!!
Eric, Commander
**** Every Saturday 9 to 12 Coffee at the Vets Hall **** Back soon!!
April 6th, Tuesday Regular Zoom meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm
Nominations for Officers/Exec Committee
April 17th, Saturday Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
May 5th, Wednesday Regular meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm
TBDSpeaker – Nathan Johnson, CCC Veterans Service Officer
Election of Officers/Exec Committee
May 15th, Saturday Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
May 23rd, Sunday VMB High School Swearing-in Ceremony
May 30th, Sunday VNVDV Memorial Day Ceremony, Cancelled
May 31st, Monday Memorial Day
June 2nd, Wednesday Regular meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm
In-Person Installation of Officers (TBD)
June 19th, Saturday Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
June 19th to 25th California Boys State (virtual)
June 28th to July 3rd California Girls State (virtual)
July 4th, Sunday Independence Day
Kiwanis Parade (status unknown)
July 7th, Wednesday Regular meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm TBD
July 17th, Saturday NO Executive Committee meeting
August 4th, Wednesday NO Regular meeting
August 21st, Saturday Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
September 1st, Wednesday Regular meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm TBD
September 18th, Saturday Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
October 3rd, Sunday Boys & Girls State Recognition Luncheon, 1:00 pm
It is our distinct honor and pleasure to have as our speaker for
our regular April meeting Major General Garrett Yee of DISA.
Army Maj. Gen. Garrett S. Yee is the assistant to the director of
the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA). In this role, he
helps to lead a global organization of 8,000 military and civilian
personnel who plan, develop, deliver, and operate joint,
interoperable, command and control capabilities and a global
enterprise infrastructure, in direct support of the President,
Secretary of Defense, Joint Chiefs of Staff, combatant commanders, Department of
Defense components, and other mission partners across the full spectrum of
Prior to this assignment, Yee served as the military deputy to the Army CIO/G-6
and senior information security officer in the Office of the Chief Information
Officer (CIO)/G6, Headquarters, Department of the Army in the Pentagon.
Yee, a native of Fremont, California, received his commission in the Army upon
graduation from Santa Clara University. He later earned a Master of Business
Administration from Golden Gate University and Master of Science in Strategic
Studies from the Army War College.
Still no takers? Like to take pictures with an iPhone or camera? We need YOU!!
We are looking for a post photographer(s) to help capture pictures and videos of our
post activities. There is a need to attend many our functions. Please give me a call.
The post now has a Tax-Free account with the Flag & Emblem Store. Alan
Scharlach is our post “Supply Officer” and is available to order items for individual
post members. Go to to do your shopping; then email
Alan with the item number, quantity, color, and any other item details needed to
purchase the item you want.
The Town of Danville website contains links to notices, alerts, news flash, calendar,
etc. about all things Danville:
Learn about the American Legion in this self-paced online course; go to
"I could end the deficit in five minutes. You just pass a law that says anytime there is a
deficit of more than 3% of GDP. All sitting members of Congress are ineligible for reelection."
Warren Buffett, the Oracle of Omaha
Post Officers for 2020-2021:
Commander: Eric Ardell
1st V. Cmdr: Mark Heinemann
2nd V. Cmdr: Alan Scharlach
3rd V. Cmdr: Randy Reid
Adjutant: Bob Landy
Finance: Phil Connolly
Chaplain: Jon Heinson
Historian: Gerald Lindahl
Judge Advocate: Ron Lowe
Sgt-at-Arms: Floyd Cox
Service Officer: Leroy Vares
Executive Committee:
Gary Soto
Dick Seavey
Ron Roe
Neil Giles
Michelle Lee
Appointed Officers & Committee Chairpersons
Asst Adjutant: vacant
Asst Finance: Raoul Miranda
Asst Sgt-at-Arms: Raoul Miranda
Supply Officer: Alan Scharlach
Boys State: Eric Ardell
Girls State: Michelle Lee
Oratorical: Neil Giles
Pgm Dir: Michelle Lee
Scouting Rep: Alan Scharlach
VMB Ops Committee: Bob Landy
Museum Committee: Ron Farrell
Protocol Officer: Floyd Cox
Board of Trustees: Ron Lowe / Eric Ardell
East Bay Standdown Rep: Mark Heinemann
Veterans Outreach: Mark Heinemann
Post Website: Post Webmaster: Rusty Orvik
Salvo Editor: Eric Ardell
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 133, Danville, CA 94526 Message Center: (925) 272-8480
Keep saving your pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters for Helmut for Heroes at a future live
Salvo- March 2021
It is great to hear that many of you are getting your vaccine shots, at least the first
one if not the second one already. I hope that is good news and means we may be
back to live meetings sometime soon. I know for many, Zoom is not ideal, but it has
allowed us to get together, commiserate (a little), have interesting presentations, and
carry-on post business. I would really like to see more of you join us. Meantime, call
the VA Martinez for an appointment at 382-8387, selection 4 or 5. Be persistent,
you may not get through right away. And keep wearing a mask and social distance.
Let us do our part and wear them in any public setting.
Our NO Crab Crab Feed Virtual Auction was a great success; join us at our March
meeting for details!
Please give a big shout out to our Auction committee of Mark Heinemann, Bob
Landy, Alan Scharlach, and Michelle Lee for their work in managing all the details
in conducting the auction. I would also like to recognize all the other volunteers
who help with the donation letter and auction processes (Dick Seavey, Gary Soto,
Bob Sada, Phil Connolly, Raoul Miranda, Jon Heinson, John Lafrano, Neil Giles,
Frank Drayton, and Ed Ott). Thanks, well done!!
We still want to say hi to Robert Denison, Ken Duley, Ron Farrell, David Horton,
William House, Sally Malone, Dr. Conrad Rougeux, Lee Sarty, William Shewry,
Bob Wattles, Kenneth Winters, and Richard Zaslove. We want to make sure you
are doing well and ask if you need any assistance. We will keep trying to reach you,
but if you would, please give us a call.
We have now reached 92% of members renewed as of 2/18/21! That’s 143 out of
156 members that continue support of our post and the Legion. Thank you!! We
did not reach our goal of 100% by 31 December, but we will continue to pursue that
Our Boy Scouts are looking for Eagle Scout projects, especially for ones that
support veterans. If you have ideas, contact Alan Scharlach directly, 829-9407.
Be sure to see our new website at Check it out!!
Stay safe and wear your masks!!!
Eric, Commander
**** Every Saturday 9 to 12 Coffee at the Vets Hall **** Still on hold
March 3rd, Wednesday Regular Zoom meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm
March 20th, Saturday Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
April 7th, Wednesday Regular meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm
Nominations for Officers/Exec Committee
April 17th, Saturday Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
May 5th, Wednesday Regular meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm
Election of Officers/Exec Committee
May 15th, Saturday Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
May 23rd, Sunday VMB High School Swearing-in Ceremony
May 30th, Sunday VNVDV Memorial Day Ceremony, Cancelled
May 31st, Monday Memorial Day
June 2nd, Wednesday Regular meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm TBD
In-Person Installation of Officers (TBD)
June 19th, Saturday Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
July 4th, Sunday Independence Day, Kiwanis Parade
July 7th, Wednesday Regular meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm TBD
Always nice if you patronize our sponsors and donors, so please do so. To be sure
here is a list:
Ace Hardware Alamo
Ace Hardware Blackhawk
Amici’s Pizzeria
Arakelian Wealth Management
AutoTech Tassajara
Bankhead Theater, Livermore
Grill at Blackhawk
Blackhawk Museum
Country Waffles
Danville Chocolates
Danville Police
Domenico’s Deli
Home Depot
Locanda Ravello
Luna Loca
Marine’s Memorial
On-Fire Pizza
Patrick James
Pete’s Brass Rail
San Ramon Police
Sloat Garden
Spring Valley Golf
Sprouts Market
The Vine
Trader Joe’s
USS Hornet
Harvey’s Lake Tahoe
Tell them the American Legion sent you!!!
Jae Yong Kim is one of our newer members. He was a Post delegate to 2016 Boys
State from Dougherty Valley High School. He is currently a First Classman at the
US Naval Academy and all is well here in Annapolis. He is looking forward to
graduation and commissioning on May 28, 2021. He has selected Submarines as his
service and will commence submarine officer training after commissioning. He will
then report to his first duty station at Nuclear Power School in Charleston, SC. The
first picture was taken last winter as a 2nd Class Midshipman and the second
picture is his official Midshipman portrait for this year.
Still no takers? Like to take pictures with an iPhone or camera? We need YOU!!
We are looking for a post photographer(s) to help capture pictures and videos of our
post activities. There is a need to attend many our functions. Please give me a call.
The post now has a Tax-Free account with the Flag & Emblem Store. Alan
Scharlach is our post “Supply Officer” and is available to order items for individual
post members. Go to to do your shopping; then email
Alan with the item number, quantity, color, and any other item details needed to
purchase the item you want.
The Town of Danville website contains links to notices, alerts, news flash, calendar,
etc. about all things Danville:
During this unusual year, 2nd Vice Commander Alan Scharlach attended the
Bridging Ceremony of Cub Scout Pack 995 by ZOOM. The event was held in a
community park, with all families social distancing in their "bubbles" with masks
on. A Bridging Ceremony is the matriculation of a Cub Scout into a Boy Scout unit.
The event started with a Color Guard, the Pledge of Allegiance and the reciting of
the Scout Oath and Law. In attendance was our Meridian District Representative
Rand Mahoney. Many of the Scouts received their Webelos pins which were pinned
on them by their parents in attendance. Several of the Scouts were presented with
the highest award a Cub Scout can obtain, the "Arrow of Light" (AOL) Plaque.
This Plaque represents many hours of community
service, mastering camping skills, hiking, camping, and
mentoring other cub scouts.
Then the transition to Boy Scouts commenced with
each Scout crossing over a bridge and being received
by a Boy Scout Troop. Troops in attendance receiving
Cub Scouts were "our" Troop 888, and Troops 805,
201, 621 and 2001.
Upon crossing the bridge, the Scout receives a new
Necktie and slide representing the Troop they have
The Ceremony ended after the American Flag was
Learn about the American Legion in this self-paced online course; go to
"I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from
wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them."
Thomas Jefferson
Post Officers for 2020-2021:
Commander: Eric Ardell
1st V. Cmdr: Mark Heinemann
2nd V. Cmdr: Alan Scharlach
3rd V. Cmdr: Randy Reid
Adjutant: Bob Landy
Finance: Phil Connolly
Chaplain: Jon Heinson
Historian: Gerald Lindahl
Judge Advocate: Ron Lowe
Sgt-at-Arms: Floyd Cox
Service Officer: Leroy Vares
Executive Committee:
Gary Soto
Dick Seavey
Ron Roe
Neil Giles
Michelle Lee
Appointed Officers & Committee Chairpersons
Asst Adjutant: vacant
Asst Finance: Raoul Miranda
Asst Sgt-at-Arms: Raoul Miranda
Supply Officer: Alan Scharlach
Boys State: Eric Ardell
Girls State: Michelle Lee
Oratorical: Neil Giles
Pgm Dir: Michelle Lee
Scouting Rep: Alan Scharlach
VMB Ops Committee: Bob Landy
Museum Committee: Ron Farrell
Protocol Officer: Floyd Cox
Board of Trustees: Ron Lowe / Eric Ardell
East Bay Standdown Rep: Mark Heinemann
Veterans Outreach: Mark Heinemann
Post Website: Post Webmaster: Rusty Orvik
Salvo Editor: Eric Ardell
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 133, Danville, CA 94526 Message Center: (925) 272-8480
Keep saving your pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters for Helmut for Heroes at a future live
Salvo- February 2021
As the pandemic, in the short term, appears to be going in the wrong direction,
there is good news. The vaccines are here!! And some us, sorry just some over 75,
can get a shot now at the VA Martinez. You need to call for an appointment at 382-
8387, selection 4 or 5. Be persistent, you may not get through right away. Raoul
Miranda already got his shot and I have an appointment on January 14. Meantime
keep wearing a mask and social distance. Let us do our part and wear them in any
public setting.
There is an important message from our Department Commander below; please
read completely.
Our NO Crab Crab Feed Virtual Auction is here! The site has gone live for
browsing and will go live on 24 January. See the notice below for all the details. We
have sent the Auction flyer and notice to all of you and ask for your help by sending
it on to your family, friends, neighbors, and business associates.
We still want to say hi to Robert Denison, House, Sally Malone, Dr. Conrad
Rougeux, Lee Sarty, William Shewry, Bob Wattles, Kenneth Winters, and Richard
Zaslove. We want to make sure you are doing well and ask if you need any
assistance. We will keep trying to reach you.
We have now reached 88% of members renewed as of 1/8/21! That’s 137 out of 157
members that continue support of our post and the Legion. Thank you!! We did
not reach our goal of 100% by 31 December, but we will continue to pursue that
A great big thank you to the Boy Scouts of Troop 888 who showed up in big
numbers to remove all the wreaths at the Alamo Cemetery and then follow Roxanne
Lindsay to the dump to dispose of them properly.
Our Boy Scouts are looking for Eagle Scout projects, especially for ones that
support veterans. If you have ideas, contact Alan Scharlach directly.
Be sure to see our new website at Check it out!!
Stay safe and wear your masks!!!
Eric, Commander
**** Every Saturday 9 to 12 Coffee at the Vets Hall **** Still on hold
January/February (TBD) Post Oratorical Contest
January 24th to 30th, Sunday to Saturday No Crab Crab Feed Auction Fundraiser
February 3rd, Wednesday Regular Zoom meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm
February 20th, Saturday Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
March 3rd, Wednesday Regular Zoom meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm
March 20th, Saturday Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
April 7th, Wednesday Regular meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm
TBD Nominations for Officers/Exec Committee
April 17th, Saturday Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
May 5th, Wednesday Regular meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm
TBD Election of Officers/Exec Committee
May 15th, Saturday Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
May 23rd, Sunday VMB High School Swearing-in Ceremony
May 30th, Sunday VNVDV Memorial Day Ceremony, Oak Hill Park
May 31st, Monday Memorial Day
June 2nd, Wednesday Regular meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm TBD
June 19th, Saturday Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
We have received numerous donations from our members and local businesses for
the auction. We also have five sponsors donating up to $2,500 for the event:
Always nice if you patronize our sponsors and donors, so please do so.
The American Legion, like the rest of society, enters 2021 with a sense of reflection about what place we have in this world. The problems of 2020 would seem to be out of our control, but we are all responsible for our actions and reactions to that world.
As a non-partisan organization, The American Legion typically abstains from public political debates, but we exist in this world and so do our members. Of particular focus these days is our divided nation and the emergence of radical thinking and groups that leverage that perspective into hate.
When the scenario turns to hate, The American Legion cannot stand silent. It is no longer about free speech or simple political discourse, rather it morphs into an affront to both Legionnaires and our communities, states and nations. As sworn defenders of this country, when lines are crossed, we must take a stand. A prime example occurred in 2017, when a resolution was passed that reaffirmed an 84 year old position of The American Legion. The original resolution resolves that:
“The American Legion considers any individual, group of individuals, or organizations, which creates, or fosters racial, religious or class strife among our people, or which takes into their own hands the enforcement of law, determination of guilt, or infliction of punishment, to be un-American, a menace to our liberties, and destructive to our fundamental law.”
Each member of The American Legion takes an oath and lives under the Preamble to the Constitution of the organization. That Preamble is recited at the start of every meeting and is printed on the back of the very membership card that all members carry. These words are defining of both the individual and the larger organization. We pledge, among other things, to support ideals such as:
• – “to promote peace and goodwill on Earth” – In this promotion of peace and goodwill, we endeavor to be an inclusive organization, and in that mission, must reject the principles of hate.
• – “to maintain law and order” – To this end, we cannot become lawless by creating, encouraging, or magnifying the chaos of violence, even if the individual feels a sense of moral justification.
• – “to inculcate a sense of individual obligation to the community, state and nation” – This clause binds us to the larger world. In this world, we lead by example, thus conducting ourselves with conduct becoming a Legionnaire. Violating this principle can be grounds for expulsion.
It should be clear that The American Legion has no room for hate in its membership, nor will we silently tolerate hate in any form. With the current tone of the nation’s dialog, these principles, without discipline and attention, can be lost in the fray. This cannot and will not be tolerated. The American Legion has internal mechanisms to deal with actions of
malintent that violate the core values of the organization, as voted on by the members of the organization.
The core values are not a reaction to any news of the day. They are printed and carried in our wallets. They are recited at our gatherings, and they reside if the hearts of those members who conduct themselves in congruence with the principles expected of Legionnaires.
Learn about the American Legion in this self-paced online course; go to
Welcome to the Veterans Service Office where we help local veterans, and their
families obtain veteran benefits from federal, state and local agencies.
***Notice To All Visitors and Veterans***
All Of Our Office Lobbies Are Currently Closed For Public Safety
We still look forward to serving Veterans and their families. Veteran Service
Representatives are currently working from home and ready to help.
Please email for assistance!
A Veterans Service Representative can assist you virtually. We are
available Monday thru Thursday 9am – 12pm & 1pm – 4pm,
and Fridays 9am – 12pm.
***Please Note: We are not open online beyond these hours***
Join the Zoom Meeting by clicking on this link
CVSO Virtual Office
Or connect to our virtual office at: (669) 900 9128 Meeting ID: 979 2501 6051
Still no takers? Like to take pictures with an iPhone or camera? We need YOU!!
We are looking for a post photographer(s) to help capture pictures and videos of our
post activities. There is a need to attend many our functions. Please give me a call.
The post now has a Tax-Free account with the Flag & Emblem Store. Alan
Scharlach is our post “Supply Officer” and is available to order items for individual
post members. Go to to do your shopping; then email
Alan with the item number, quantity, color, and any other item details needed to
purchase the item you want.
The Town of Danville website contains links to notices, alerts, news flash, calendar,
etc. about all things Danville:
"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the losers."
Post Officers for 2020-2021:
Commander: Eric Ardell
1st V. Cmdr: Mark Heinemann
2nd V. Cmdr: Alan Scharlach
3rd V. Cmdr: Randy Reid
Adjutant: Bob Landy
Finance: Phil Connolly
Chaplain: Jon Heinson
Historian: Gerald Lindahl
Judge Advocate: Ron Lowe
Sgt-at-Arms: Floyd Cox
Service Officer: Leroy Vares
Executive Committee:
Gary Soto
Dick Seavey
Ron Roe
Neil Giles
Michelle Lee
Appointed Officers & Committee Chairpersons
Asst Adjutant: vacant
Asst Finance: Raoul Miranda
Asst Sgt-at-Arms: Raoul Miranda
Supply Officer: Alan Scharlach
Boys State: Eric Ardell
Girls State: Michelle Lee
Oratorical: Neil Giles
Pgm Dir: Michelle Lee
Scouting Rep: Alan Scharlach
VMB Ops Committee: Bob Landy
Museum Committee: Ron Farrell
Protocol Officer: Floyd Cox
Board of Trustees: Ron Lowe / Eric Ardell
East Bay Standdown Rep: Mark Heinemann
Veterans Outreach: Mark Heinemann
Post Website: Post Webmaster: Rusty Orvik
Salvo Editor: Eric Ardell
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 133, Danville, CA 94526 Message Center: (925) 277-7775
Keep saving your pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters for Helmut for Heroes at a future live
Salvo- January 2021
Original Document (with images)
I wish all of you, our members and your families, a very happy and safe holiday season. Thank you for your support of each other, our post, and the American Legion!
We continue our planning for our NO Crab Crab Feed Silent Virtual Auction. We have received a significant number of donations for the auction as well as our first two sponsors for the event: ACE Hardware and Arakelian Wealth Management. We are still looking for volunteers to assist in several of the aspects of putting on the Auction such as Marketing, Volunteer Coordination, Item Management, or Checkout / Item Distribution. We have leaders for each of these subcommittees, so contacts us and let us know where you can best contribute.
We are on our third round of “Buddy Calls” and we are concentrating on those of you who we have not been able to reach yet. We still want to say hi to Robert Denison, Frank Drayton, William House, Sally Malone, Dr. Conrad Rougeux, Lee Sarty, William Shewry, Bob Wattles, Kenneth Winters, and Richard Zaslove. We want to make sure you are doing well and ask if you need any assistance. If we have left you a voice mail, please consider giving us a call back and checking in. You support our post, and we are here to support you. The most important aspect of all of these “Buddy Calls”, we have found all of you doing well and staying safe and healthy during this pandemic. The vaccines are coming; that said, keep wear a mask and social distance. Let us do our part and wear them in any public setting.
After many hurdles we faced due to Covid restrictions, we will have a Wreaths Across America and lay wreaths on all our veterans’ graves who have passed and are buried at the Alamo Cemetery. It will be a very scaled down event compared to past years, but we pay honor to those 220 plus resting there. I want to personally thank our members, other veterans and family who turned out to help us make the event possible. Thanks to Gary Soto for helping spearhead getting this done and Alan Scharlach in advance for covering the wreath removal. I also want to say a very big thank you to our delivery unloading crew Gary Soto, Bob Sada, Lorrie Sammons (member & Navy Nurse Corps) and her husband Tim.
Post 246 donated $500 to the 2.2 for 22 Walk for Vets Virtual Challenge fundraiser sponsored by Las Positas College Student Veterans in collaboration with Pleasanton Military Families. LPC Student Veterans raised a total of $10,919 from 131 donors, including American Legion District 9 which donated $250. Funds raised will help bring mental health professionals to Las Positas College to support mental health services for student veterans, to stop suicide amongst veterans, and to fund support services provided by Pleasanton Military Families.
Michelle Lee and her family led the Heart Guards team in the Vets Virtual Challenge. The team was a leader based on results and participation in the Challenge. Congratulations to Michelle and the Heart Guards!
We have now reached 85% of members renewed as of 12/8/20! That’s 131 members that continue support of our post and the Legion. Thank you!! Remember our goal is 100% by 31 December! Please renew online or send us a check for your dues.
Our Boy Scouts are looking for Eagle Scout projects, especially for ones that support veterans. If you have ideas, contact Alan Scharlach directly, 829-9407.
Be sure to see our new website at Check it out!!
Stay safe and wear your masks!!!
Eric, Commander
**** Every Saturday 9 to 12 Coffee at the Vets Hall **** Still on hold
December 12th, Saturday Zoom Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
December 19th, Saturday Wreaths Across America, Alamo Cemetery. 10:00 am
December 25th, Friday Christmas Day
January 1st, Friday New Year’s Day
January 6th, Wednesday Zoom meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm
January 16th, Saturday Zoom Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
January (TBD) Post Oratorical Contest
January 24th to 31th, Sunday to Sunday No Crab Crab Feed Auction Fundraiser February 3rd, Wednesday Regular meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm TBD
February 20th, Saturday Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
March 3rd, Wednesday Regular meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm TBD
March 20th, Saturday Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
April 7th, Wednesday Regular meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm TBD
Nominations for Officers/Exec Committee
April 17th, Saturday Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
May 5th, Wednesday Regular meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm TBD
Election of Officers/Exec Committee
May 15th, Saturday Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
We are now deep into planning and creating our auction site. We have received numerous donations from our members and local businesses for the auction. We also have two sponsors so far for the event:
Always nice if you patronize our sponsors and donors.
We are still looking for donations and sponsors, so if you have ideas give us a call.
Our auction committee consists of:
⦁ Mark Heinemann (Volunteer Coordination)
⦁ Bob Landy (Marketing)
⦁ Eric Ardell/Michelle Lee (Item Management)
⦁ Alan Scharlach (Checkout / Item Distribution)
Contact them if you want to help make our auction a success.
The Auction Committee needs the following volunteers to assist the bidding process:
1) Auction Website Monitors: Eight (8) – will require monitoring the auction website for periods of time during the week the auction is live.
2) Winning Bid Pickup / Mailout Coordinators: Three (3) – will assist checking winner ID, hand deliver or mail out item to winner
3) Credit Card Payment Coordinators: Two (2) – will conduct credit card transaction for winners paying at pickup time.
CUB SCOUT POPCORN SALES – Still time to buy & support our Cubs!!
1. Go to Online Store: Your order will go to PACK997. Popcorn will ship within a week.
2. You can also email also for pack 995 and they can start an online order for you via email/phone. They can text you a link to enter credit card and address info and the products will be shipped to you same as Online Order.
Update - VA Northern California Health Care System
VA Northern California Health Care System facilities in Fairfield, Mare Island, Martinez, and Oakland are open and operating as usual. If you're planning to visit a facility, please visit
⦁ Veterans who require immediate urgent care can contact our call center at 1-800-382-VETS for 24/7 support. This service is not emergency services.
⦁ If you are a Veteran in crisis, there are specially trained responders ready to help you, 24/7 365 days a year by calling 800-273-8255 and Press 1.
⦁ Sign-up for automatic email updates by filling in your email address in the “Emergency Email Updates” section.
⦁ For up-to-date information about VA NorCal, please check this page, the ⦁ VA Northern California Health Care System's Facebook page
Learn about the American Legion in this self-paced online course; go to
In June 2020 we approved a donation to the Welfare and Rec fund of the cutter Bertholf during deployment to support the crew. We received this Thank You card.
Veterans Service Office
Welcome to the Veterans Service Office where we help local veterans, and their families obtain veteran benefits from federal, state and local agencies.
***Notice To All Visitors and Veterans***
All Of Our Office Lobbies Are Currently Closed For Public Safety
We still look forward to serving Veterans and their families. Veteran Service Representatives are currently working from home and ready to help.
Please email for assistance!
A Veterans Service Representative can assist you virtually. We are available Monday thru Thursday 9am – 12pm & 1pm – 4pm,
and Fridays 9am – 12pm.
***Please Note: We are not open online beyond these hours***
Join the Zoom Meeting by clicking on this link
CVSO Virtual Office
Or connect to our virtual office at: (669) 900 9128 Meeting ID: 979 2501 6051
Like to take pictures with an iPhone or camera? We need YOU!! We are looking for a post photographer(s) to help capture pictures and videos of our post activities.
There is a requirement to attend many our functions, etc. Please give me a call.
Flag & Emblem Store
The post now has a Tax-Free account with the Flag & Emblem Store. Alan Scharlach is our post “Supply Officer” and is available to order items for individual post members. Go to to do your shopping; then email Alan with the item number, quantity, color, and any other item details needed to purchase the item you want.
The Town of Danville website contains links to notices, alerts, news flash, calendar, etc. about all things Danville:
"Politicians should wear sponsor jackets like Nascar drivers, then we know who owns them."
Robin Williams
Post Website: Post Webmaster: Rusty Orvik
Salvo Editor: Eric Ardell
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 133, Danville, CA 94526 Message Center: (925) 277-7775
Keep saving your pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters for Helmut for Heroes at a future live meeting!
Salvo- December 2020
Original Document (with images)
Well my prediction that we are going in the right direction with the pandemic proved to be a bit premature. We have gone backwards here in Contra Costa County so live meetings are not going to happen until into the new year. We will continue with Zoom meetings and really encourage you join us online or via call-in. We are working on a speaker for the December meeting and will let you know by email if we can confirm scheduling.
We will bring everyone up to date on our planning for our NO Crab Crab Feed Silent Virtual Auction at our December meeting. We will be looking for volunteers to assist in several of the aspects of putting on the Auction such as Marketing, Volunteer Coordination, Item Management, or Checkout / Item Distribution. We have leaders for each of these subcommittees, so contacts us and let us where you can best contribute.
We are on our third round of “Buddy Calls” and we are concentrating on those of you who we have not been able to reach yet. We want to make sure you are doing well and ask if you need any assistance. If we have left you a voice mail, please consider giving us a call back and checking in. You support our post, and we are here to support you.
The state is still mandating you wear a mask and social distance. Let us do our part and wear them in any public setting. I am seeing information from county officials that there may be some changes coming soon so we will try to keep you posted.
We have now reached 80+% of members renewed as of 11/15/20! Please take a minute and renew on line or send us your check for your dues. Thank you all for your continued support for this great organization and our local post.
Be sure to see our new website at Check it out!!
Be sure to support the Blue Star Moms! See note below.
Stay safe and wear your masks!!!
Eric, Commander
**** Every Saturday 9 to 12 Coffee at the Vets Hall **** Still on hold
November 26th, Thursday Thanksgiving Day
December 2nd, Wednesday Zoom meeting with speaker (?), 12:00 pm
December 19th, Saturday Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
December 19th, Saturday Wreaths Across America, Alamo Cemetery. 10:00 am
December 25th, Friday Christmas Day
January 1st, Friday New Year’s Day
January 6th, Wednesday Zoom meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm TBD
January 16th, Saturday Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
January (TBD) Post Oratorical Contest
January 24th to 31th, Sunday to Sunday No Crab Crab Feed Auction Fundraiser February 3rd, Wednesday Regular meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm TBD
February 20th, Saturday Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
March 3rd, Wednesday Regular meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm TBD
March 20th, Saturday Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
April 7th, Wednesday Regular meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm TBD
April 17th, Saturday Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
Our post is co-host of the Wreaths Across America Ceremony honoring the veterans in the historic Alamo Cemetery. Because of the participation limits placed on public events this year, the Alamo-Lafayette Cemetery District will allow only 30 people in the Cemetery at one time.
With this limit in mind, there will be a very brief opening ceremony of the pledge of allegiance and playing of taps and a 2-hour period for placing wreaths. Beginning at 10 AM, December 19, 30 people will be allowed in to place wreaths. As individuals exit, others will be allowed to enter and place wreaths. So, it will go, until every veteran is honored, ending at 12 noon. We will provide unloading and stationing support before Saturday as we have in the past. On Saturday we will provide entrance control. We intend to have a short ceremony. No color guard and no speeches. This year we will help remove all the wreaths with Boy Scouts.
Together We Give for Blue Star Moms of Danville. Dec. 9th, Wednesday, 2 to 5 pm. Curbside drop off donations at Alamo Women’s Club at 1401 Danville Blvd., Alamo. We will also take monetary donations for them. Make checks payable to Alamo Women’s Club and on memo line note Blue Star Moms. Items wanted are listed at or on the website at
Let’s all pitch in, check the Moms website (above) and provide whatever you can.
Together We Give
Blue Star Moms of Danville, Chapter 101
Wednesday, December 9, 2020, 2-5 pm
Curbside Drop-Off at Alamo Women’s Club Clubhouse
1401 Danville Blvd., Alamo
Shopping List:
All items individually wrapped/packaged, please
Socks (Black or white, men’s sizes, crew length, not tube or dress), Bags of cookies, crackers, corn nuts, dried fruit/fruit leather, Protein bars (i.e., Clif), Pouches of Tuna, Chicken, Nutella & Go, Jerky (not pork), Deodorant, Floss, Water drinks (i.e., Crystal Light), Batteries, (2- or 4-pack), Small Puzzle Books
Gift cards welcome!
Or, make checks payable to AWC with memo: Blue Star Moms
Link for Costco Shoppers:
Please know that everything you give is a morale booster for the soldier who
receives it, as well as a practicality.
Of our 155 members (including new transfers), we now have 124 who have renewed your membership for 2021 (that’s 80.5%). Again, THANK YOU!!
For those of you who have not renewed your membership yet, there are two easy ways to renew: 1) go to and click on the RENEW button, fill out the form, and you’re done. Or send us a check for $45 and we will process it for you.
Hi all – I want to remind you of my recent email about our most important event for our post – the Annual Crab Feed dinner and Fundraiser, or I should say the No Crab-Crab Feed Auction Fundraiser.
Due to the pandemic, the Executive Committee, has been discussing alternatives to a live event in the banquet hall of the VMB. We have settled on working on a standalone online auction to be held in late January 2021. To that end we have moved ahead with soliciting donations by sending some 100 letters to previous event donors asking for donation support. We have already received many donations.
There are many things that all of you can do to help the post gain exposure for our auction (more on that later) and to receive donations such as:
· Recommend to us businesses or service providers that would consider merchandise, gift certificates, services, gift baskets, or cash donations.
· Personally, contact friends and acquaintances that might approach their companies for donations or provide donations themselves/yourself. We are not planning tickets or fees for participating in the auction.
· Have a timeshare or vacation rental that you might donate?
I attached to my email a list of things that could be donated (and maybe a few that can’t be due to the pandemic). You may email me directly, but please be specific with names, contact info, and or complete description of donation.
Thanks in advance for your help. Let’s make this work and successful!!
Flag & Emblem Store
The post now has a Tax-Free account with the Flag & Emblem Store. Alan Scharlach is our post “Supply Officer” and is available to order items for individual post members. Go to to do your shopping; then email Alan with the item number, quantity, color, and any other item details needed to purchase the item you want.
CUB SCOUT POPCORN SALES – Still time to buy & support our cubs!!
Need popcorn for all those Netflix movies you are watching these days? Well here's the answer: BUY POPCORN FROM OUR CUB SCOUT PACKS!!
Cub Scout Packs 997 and 995 are run by parent volunteers. Popcorn fundraiser accounts for half of the packs budget which is used to cover:
- BSA National and Council Fees
- Boys Life Magazine Subscription
- Awards: Rank Badge, Adventure Belt loops/pins and participation patches
- Subsidize outdoor/STEM activities like camping, pinewood derby, space derby
- Supplies and Facilities Fees
2 ways to buy:
1. Go to Online Store: Your order will go to PACK997 and for a limited time, shipping is free for orders >$30. Popcorn will ship within a week.
2. You can also email also for pack 995 and they can start an online order for you via email/phone. They can text you a link to enter credit card and address info and the products will be shipped to you same as Online Order.
Like to take pictures with an iPhone or camera? We need YOU!! We are looking for a post photographer(s) to help capture pictures and videos of our post activities.
There is a requirement to attend many our functions, etc. Please give me a call.
Learn about the American Legion in this self-paced online course; go to
To further USAA’s mission of being the provider of choice for the Military Community, they have opened their membership up to all military retirees and those who separated with a ‘discharge type of honorable’.
"I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots"
Albert Einstein
Post Website: Post Webmaster.....Rusty Orvik
Salvo Editor: Eric Ardell
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 133, Danville, CA 94526 Message Center: (925) 277-7775
Keep saving your pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters for Helmut for Heroes at a future live meeting!!
Salvo- November 2020
Original Document (with images)
Our regular meeting in October was a virtual edition of our Boys and Girls State Luncheon and we were joined by all of our Boys and Girls State delegates (all thirteen of them). We also had numerous special guests join us including Danville Council member Newell Arnerich, SRVUSD Director Ken Nelson, SRVUSD Trustee Ken Mintz, San Ramon City Commissioner Scott Roberts, Head of Athenian School Eric Niles, Athenian School Trustee Guy Henshaw, AL Dept of California Area 2 Vice Commander Dave Jackson, AL District 9 Commander Randy Reid, ALA Unit 161 President Vicki Bean, ALA Unit 161 Girls State Co-chair Harvalee Grimm, San Ramon Valley High School Asst Principal Liv Hanley, Daughters of the American Revolution Regent Kate Hare, Soroptimist Intl of San Ramon Valley Carol O’Keefe as well as many of our post members.
Our keynote speaker, Michele McKay-McKoy, provided a great historical prospective on the Constitution. Then, our four Boys and Girls State panelists, Boys State Chief Counselor Tim Aboudara, Boys State Legal Advisor Dale Major, Girls State Counselor Maggie Taylor Aherne, and President of the Girls State Alumni Foundation Guang Ming Whitley. The panelists answered many questions about the Boys and Girls State experience.
For our November meeting we will again be on Zoom (unless things improve rapidly in the next couple of weeks. We will work on having a speaker to be determined.
I am repeating this note from last month - - There is an especially important message from the Department Commander about the upcoming election. Please read it and call me if you have any questions. And remember to VOTE!
The state is still mandating you wear a mask and social distance. Let us do our part and wear them in any public setting. I am seeing information from county officials that there may be some changes coming soon so we will try to keep you posted.
We are now at 77% of members = renewed as of 10/15/20! If you have not renewed as of 10/14 you will be receiving another renewal notice from National. Plasee take a minute and renew on line or send us your check for your dues. Thank you all for your continued support for this great organization and our local post.
We have now made enough progress on our new website that we have gone live at the usual URL, Check it out!!
Stay safe and wear your masks!!!
Eric, Commander
**** Every Saturday 9 to 12 Coffee at the Vets Hall **** Still on hold
October 21st – November 11th 2.2 for 22 CHALLENGE FOR VETS
October 31st, Saturday Halloween
November 3rd, Tuesday Election Day
November 4th, Wednesday Regular Zoom meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm TBD
November 7th/8th, Saturday & Sunday NO VMB Museum Displays
November 11th, Wednesday Veterans Day
November 21st, Saturday Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
November 26th, Thursday Thanksgiving Day
December 2nd, Wednesday Regular meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm TBD
December 19th, Saturday Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
December 19th, Saturday Wreaths Across America, Alamo Cemetery. 10:00 am
December 25th, Friday Christmas Day
January 1st, Friday New Year’s Day
January 6th, Wednesday Regular meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm TBD
January16th, Saturday Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
January (TBD) Post Oratorical Contest
January (TBD) No Crab Crab Feed Auction Fundraiser
To all California Legionnaires:
As we approach the upcoming election, I am compelled to speak again about the stance we have to take as members of this great organization. We're a very political organization, in regard to the issues which directly affect our veterans and their families. We are not, nor have we ever been, an organization which supports political candidates, political parties, or participate in partisan activities or endeavors. Powers will always try to use outstanding organizations such as ours, to legitimize their efforts and put their candidates over the top. If you follow the rules outlined in this link, The American Legion is Nonpartisan, you will avoid dragging yourself and your post into controversies which always tend to occur this time of the election cycle.
As always, our American Legion stands for the principles we have outlined in our preamble. Stay focused on this whenever we engage our organization with our community, and we will ride this wave together regardless of the outcomes of this and every election, yet to come. As veterans, our focus remains on helping veterans. Let us remember we have a long-term relationship with each other and our communities which extends much further than next November 3rd.
Join us in the 3rd Annual
October 21st - November 11th, 2020
The 2.2 for 22 Challenge Walk for Vets is designed to raise awareness that 22 veterans lose their life to suicide daily. The goal of the event is to help inform others about this important issue, and to allow those who have experienced the loss of a fellow veteran be given an opportunity to share their story. Join us in remembering those we lost to suicide, and to unite as a community to remind others they are not alone. Sign up as an individual participant or as part of a team; or make a donation to sponsor one or many student veterans. We appreciate your support!
Registration is NOW OPEN
$22 per person
Registration includes the shirt, commemorative metal and a great time for an important cause.
(must register before October 20th for medal and shirt)
To register for the 2.2 Challenge:
Our own Michelle Lee says you are invited to join her team created with you in mind. “We’re the HEART GUARDS!” (Don’t make fun of the name—it’s much better than the other ones proposed!!). Join the team with heart! The more the merrier, and it’s for a very good cause.
For more details, see the link below, and please join the HEART GUARDS team!
Together We Give for Blue Star Moms of Danville. Dec. 9th, Wednesday, 2 to 5 pm. Curbside drop off donations at Alamo Women’s Club at 1401 Danville Blvd., Alamo. We will also take monetary donations for them. Make checks payable to Alamo Women’s Club and on memo line note Blue Star Moms. Items wanted are listed at or on our website at
Let’s all pitch in, check the Moms website (above) and provide whatever you can.
Our post is co-host of the Wreaths Across America Ceremony honoring the veterans in the historic Alamo Cemetery. Because of the participation limits placed on public events this year, the Alamo-Lafayette Cemetery District will allow only 40 people in the Cemetery at one time.
With this limit in mind, there will be abbreviated opening ceremony and a 2-hour period for placing the wreaths. Beginning at 10 AM, December 19, 40 people will be allowed in to place 40 wreaths. As individuals exit, others will be allowed to enter and place wreaths. So, it will go, until every veteran is honored, ending at 12 noon.
We will provide unloading and stationing support before Saturday as we have in the past. On Saturday we will provide entrance control. We intend to have a short ceremony of the pledge of allegiance and playing of taps. Service flags will be included but no color guard and no speeches. This year we will help remove all the wreaths later (to be determined).
Of our 155 members (including new transfers), we now have 119 who have renewed your membership for 2021 (that’s 77%). Again, THANK YOU!!
For those of you who have not renewed your membership yet, there are two easy ways to renew: 1) go to and click on the RENEW button, fill out the form, and you’re done. Or send us a check for $45 and we will process it for you.
Hi all – I want to remind you of my recent email about our most important event for our post – the Annual Crab Feed dinner and Fundraiser, or I should say the No Crab-Crab Feed Auction Fundraiser.
Due to the pandemic, the Executive Committee, has been discussing alternatives to a live event in the banquet hall of the VMB. We have settled on working on a standalone online auction to be held in late January 2021. To that end we have moved ahead with soliciting donations by sending some 100 letters to previous event donors asking for donation support. We have already receive several donations.
There are many things that all of you can do to help the post gain exposure for our auction (more on that later) and to receive donations such as:
· Recommend to us businesses are service providers that would consider merchandise, gift certificates, services, gift baskets, or cash donations.
· Personally, contact friends and acquaintances that might approach their companies for donations or provide donations themselves/yourself. We are not planning tickets or fees for participating in the auction.
· Have a timeshare or vacation rental that you might donate?
I attached to my email a list of things that could be donated (and maybe a few that can’t be due to the pandemic).
You may email me directly, but please be specific with names, contact info, and or complete description of donation.
Thanks in advance for your help. Let’s make this work and successful!!
I could also use some help drafting a flyer to advertise the event. Anyone have some computer skills with illustrator type software?
Flag & Emblem Store
The post now has a Tax-Free account with the Flag & Emblem Store. Alan Scharlach is our post “Supply Officer” and is available to order items for individual post members. Go to to do your shopping; then email Alan with the item number, quantity, color, and any other item details needed to purchase the item you want.
Missing the camaraderie of being with your fellow military affiliated community? Want to connect with like-minded veterans to talk about relevant topics? Need answers about how to manage your education benefits and other VA programs and services during the pandemic? Join Hector Moncada, Contra Costa College Veteran Program Coordinator, and Maurice Delmer, Concord Vet Center Veterans Outreach Program Specialist, for a weekly virtual meetup every Tuesday from 9am to 10am. We’ll connect and talk about whatever interests you, as well provide resources and referrals to meet your transition needs. Please RSVP with Hector:, or myself:, if you are interested in participating, and we will email you a link to join. We look forward to connecting with you.
Need popcorn for all those Netflix movies you are watching these days? Well here's the answer: BUY POPCORN FROM OUR CUB SCOUT PACKS!!
Cub Scout Packs 997 and 995 are run by parent volunteers. Popcorn fundraiser accounts for half of the packs budget which is used to cover:
- BSA National and Council Fees
- Boys Life Magazine Subscription
- Awards: Rank Badge, Adventure Belt loops/pins and participation patches
- Subsidize outdoor/STEM activities like camping, pinewood derby, space derby
- Supplies and Facilities Fees
2 ways to buy:
1. Go to Online Store: Your order will go to PACK997 and for a limited time, shipping is free for orders >$30. Popcorn will ship within a week.
2. You can also email also for pack 995 and they can start an online order for you via email/phone. They can text you a link to enter credit card and address info and the products will be shipped to you same as Online Order.
Like to take pictures with an iPhone or camera? We need YOU!! We are looking for a post photographer(s) to help capture pictures and videos of our post activities.
There is a requirement to attend many our functions, etc. If you are interested, please give me a call.
Learn about the American Legion in this self-paced online course; go to
To further USAA’s mission of being the provider of choice for the Military Community, they have opened their membership up to all military retirees and those who separated with a ‘discharge type of honorable’.
"I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people, under the pretense of taking care of them."
Thomas Jefferson
Post Website: Post Webmaster.....Charlie Jursch
Salvo Editor: Eric Ardell
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 133, Danville, CA 94526 Message Center: (925) 277-7775
Keep saving your pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters for Helmut for Heroes at a future live meeting!!
Salvo - October 2020
Original Document (with images)
Our regular meeting in October is a virtual edition of our Boys and Girls State Luncheon and will be held on Sunday 4 October 2020 at 1:00 pm. You are all invited to join in on Zoom and I strongly encourage you to do so. Preliminary details of the event are below including a Constitutional expert and a board of Boys and Girls program officials. There is an especially important message from the Department Commander about the upcoming election. Please read it and call me if you have any questions. And remember to VOTE! The state is still mandating you wear a mask and social distance. Let us do our part and wear them in any public setting. I am seeing information from county officials that there may be some changes coming soon so we will try to keep you posted. 75% of members have now renewed as of 9/15/20 and that is great! Thank you all for your continued support for this great organization and our local post. We have now made enough progress on our new website that we have gone live at the usual URL, Check it out!! Please welcome our new transfers: Richard White, a US Army Vietnam veteran living here in Danville transferring from Post 1000; and William Shewry, a US Army Korea veteran living here in Danville transferring from Post 1000. Stay safe and wear your masks!!!
Eric, Commander
**** Every Saturday 9 to 12 Coffee at the Vets Hall **** Still on hold
October 4th, Sunday Boys & Girls State Luncheon on Zoom, 1:00 pm
October 12th, Monday Columbus Day
October 17th, Saturday Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
October 31st, Saturday Halloween
November 3rd, Tuesday Election Day
November 4th, Wednesday Regular meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm TBD
November 7th/8th, Saturday & Sunday NO VMB Museum Displays
November 11th, Wednesday Veterans Day
November 21st, Saturday Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
November 26th, Thursday Thanksgiving Day
December 2nd, Wednesday Regular meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm
December 19th, Saturday Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
December 25th, Friday Christmas Day
January 1st, Friday New Year’s Day
To all California Legionnaires:
As we approach the upcoming election, I am compelled to speak again about the stance we have to take as members of this great organization. We're a very political organization, in regard to the issues which directly affect our veterans and their families. We are not, nor have we ever been, an organization which supports political candidates, politica lparties, or participate in partisan activities or endeavors. Powers will always try to use outstanding organizations such as ours, to legitimize their efforts and put their candidates over the top. If you follow the rules outlined in this link, The American Legion is Nonpartisan, you will avoid dragging yourself and your post into controversies which always tend to occur this time of the election cycle. As always, our American Legion stands for the principles we have outlined in our preamble. Stay focused on this whenever we engage our organization with our community, and we will ride this wave together regardless of the outcomes of this and every election, yet to come. As veterans, our focus remains on helping veterans. Let us remember we have a long-term relationship with each other and our communities which extends much further than next November 3rd.
Ed Grimsley, Department Commander
Of our 155 members (including new transfers), we now have 116 who have renewed your membership for 2021 (that’s 75%). Again, THANK YOU!! For those of you who have not renewed your membership yet, there are two easy ways to renew: 1) go to and click on the RENEW button, fill out the form, and you’re done. Or send us a check for $45 to our PO Box address and we will process it for you.
Veterans, friends of Veterans, and families of Veterans, SOF is proud to be Partnering with the Veterans Administration’s new study regarding Un-Met Needs of Veterans who have or are in need of home healthcare providers. If you are a spouse, relative or friend caring for a veteran, it is very important for the VA to know your concerns and get your feedback about the existing VA Caregiver system and where you might see the need for improvements in helping the VA by informing them of any Gaps you may have experienced or see in the VA support of Home-based Services from Informal Caregivers. They are asking that you contact Ms. Rashmi Risbud of the VA directly, who will be doing phone interviews for this study to get your feedback. As you can see, they are willing to pay up to 50.00 dollars for your time. I applaud and endorse this VA study, and have vetted this to the point where we feel very good about providing support as a Partner with the VA in getting the word out about this study. With your input and feedback, we hope to make a positive difference in our veterans lives and the lives of those who care for them at home. Please feel free to call Ms. Rashmi Risbud of the Pao Alto VA directly at, 650-614-9997 x 23434 or by email at
Together we can make a difference. All it takes is a phone call and a few minutes of your time. I will make sure you get a copy of this study once it is completed. I hope you’ll support this effort and great opportunity for you to be a part of positive change with your feedback and advice to the VA. Thank you. Very respectfully, Mike Conklin
As in past years, the purpose of this event is to recognize the 2020 Boys State and Girls State delegates, and to provide these outstanding students with some additional leadership support and appreciation of our form of government and democracy. This program will include a TED talk style presentation on our country's cornerstone document, the US Constitution, and a panel of Boys and Girls State program leaders answering questions of interest, and delegates snapshot pages. A save-the-date reminder went out last May. The speaker, the Honorable Michele McKay-McCoy is a retired judge in Santa Clara County and Constitutional speaker.
The Girls State Panelists are:
- Guang Ming Whitley, a 20-year volunteer with the American Legion Auxiliary Girls State, and President of the Girls State Alumnae Foundation since 2010.
- Margaret (Maggie) Taylor.
The Boys State Panelist are:
- Tim Aboudara, Chief Counselor, California Boys State Program
- Dale Major, Counselor and Legal Staff, California Boys State Program
The program on Zoom will be on Sunday, 4 October, from 1:00 to 2:30 pm. A zoom invitation will be sent out by the end of September. I would really like to see many of you tune-in or call in for this informative event!!
The Post has rescheduled the Chili Cookoff to support student veterans attending Contra Costa community colleges to Sunday, 26 September 2021 due to Covid-19.
The American Legion revised several areas of focus to better focus on serving America’s veterans. The National Executive Committee of the American Legion recently passed Resolution 5, which revises its vision, mission, values, and motto.
Vision: “The American Legion strengthens America by improving the lives of our veterans, the military and their families.” Mission Statement: “The American Legion strengthens our communities, states and nation with programs and services for our veterans, the military and their families.”
Motto: “Veterans Strengthening America.”
Value Principles:
▪ A VETERAN IS A VETERAN – which means The American Legion embraces all current and former members of the military and endeavors to help them transition into their communities.
▪ SELFLESS SERVICE –which means The American Legion celebrates all who contribute to something larger than themselves and inspires others to serve and strengthen America.
▪ AMERICAN VALUES AND PATRIOTISM – which means The American Legion advocates for upholding and defending the United States Constitution, equal justice and opportunity for everyone and discrimination against no one, youth education, responsible citizenship and honoring military service by observing and participating in patriotic and memorial events.
▪ FAMILY AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT – which means The American Legion meets the unique needs of local communities.
▪ ADVANCING THE VISION – which means The American Legion educates, mentors and leads new generations of Americans.
▪ HONORING THOSE WHO CAME BEFORE US – which means The American Legion pays perpetual respect for all past military sacrifices to ensure they are never forgotten by new generations.
Are you planning on visiting the VA anytime soon? Here’s a tool to get to your appointment for quickly.
(see image)
The post now has a Tax-Free account with the Flag & Emblem Store. Alan Scharlach is our post “Supply Officer” and is available to order items for individual post members. Go to to do your shopping; then email Alan with the item number, quantity, color, and any other item details needed to purchase the item you want.
Missing the camaraderie of being with your fellow military affiliated community? Want to connect with like-minded veterans to talk about relevant topics? Need answers about how to manage your education benefits and other VA programs and services during the pandemic? Join Hector Moncada, Contra Costa College Veteran Program Coordinator, and Maurice Delmer, Concord Vet Center Veterans Outreach Program Specialist, for a weekly virtual meetup every Tuesday from 9am to 10am. We’ll connect and talk about whatever interests you, as well provide resources and referrals to meet your transition needs. Please RSVP with Hector:, or myself:, if you are interested in participating, and we will email you a link to join. We look forward to connecting with you.
Sean Michael Jao, one of our 2014 Boys State delegates, and one of our newer members is now a 1st Lt and Air Force pilot.
“Following my graduation from USAFA in 2018, I was stationed at Laughlin AFB, TX for Undergraduate Pilot Training. It was a long 47-week program where I trained in the T-6A Texan II and T-1A Jayhawk aircraft, developing my flying skills and airmanship through aerobatic maneuvers, instrument navigation, low levels, and formation flying. I graduated from UPT in December 2019, and was sent to Altus AFB, OK for my Pilot Initial Qualification for the KC-135R (my current aircraft). I went through primarily simulator training as well as some flying at Altus AFB until June. Following that training I moved to Fairchild AFB, WA, where I am currently stationed, where I will continue flying the KC-135R for the United States Air Force in service to our nation.
Like to take pictures with an iPhone or camera? We need YOU!! We are looking for a post photographer(s) to help capture pictures and videos of our post activities. There is a requirement to attend many our functions, etc. If you are interested, please give me a call.
Learn about the American Legion in this self-paced online course; go to
To further USAA’s mission of being the provider of choice for the Military Community, they have opened their membership up to all military retirees and those who separated with a ‘discharge type of honorable’.
"No matter how educated, talented, rich or cool you believe you are, how you treat people ultimately tells all"
Salvo - September 2020
Original Document (with images)
I still do not have good news on regular meetings so we will do another ZOOM meeting for September; we have a premium account now so I am hoping more can join us. We are going back to meeting on Wednesday, 2 September at 12:00 pm. That weekend is Labor Day weekend and I am sure most have other plans. The state is still mandating you wear a mask and social distance. Let us do our part and wear them in any public setting. We will install officers at our ZOOM meeting in September along with other business. ZOOM Invitation will be sent out near the end of the month. I want to thank all of you who have renewed your membership for 2021 including our Paid Up For Life (PUFLs). We are at 65% renewed already as of 8/15/20 and that is great! Thank you all for your continued support for this great organization and our local post. Thank you also to all of you who supported the VMB Fundraiser by ordering takeout food from Gianni’s. It turned out to be a great success raising over $4,000 for the Building Operating Fund. Thank you again for your support. Your Executive Committee continues work on several projects I detailed last month and will let you know when any are ready to go prime time. Please welcome James Candy, our newest member transferring from Post 1601 (Dept Admin). He is an Vietnam era Air Force veteran living here in Danville. Finally, congratulations to Mike Mundle for his graduation from Army War College; this is an outstanding accomplishment for Mike as a reservist! Stay safe and wear your masks!!!
Eric, Commander
**** Every Saturday 9 to 12 Coffee at the Vets Hall **** Still on hold
September 2nd, Wednesday Zoom meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm
September 7th, Monday Labor Day
September 19th, Saturday Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
October 7th, Wednesday Regular Meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm
October 12th, Monday Columbus Day
October 17th, Saturday Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
October 31st, Saturday Halloween
November 3rd, Tuesday Election Day
November 4th, Wednesday Regular meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm TBD
November 7th/8th, Saturday & Sunday Outside VMB Museum Displays
November 11th, Wednesday Veterans Day
November 21st, Saturday Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
November 26th, Thursday Thanksgiving Day
December 2nd, Wednesday Regular meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm
December 19th, Saturday Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
December 25th, Friday Christmas Day
January 1st, Friday New Years Day
For those of you who have not renewed your membership yet, there are two easy ways to renew: 1) go to and click on the RENEW button, fill out the form, and you’re done. Or send us a check for $45 to our PO Box address and we will process it for you.
The post now has a Tax-Free account with the Flag & Emblem Store. Alan Scharlach is our post “Supply Officer” and is available to order items for individual post members. Go to to do your shopping; then email Alan with the item number, quantity, color, and any other item details needed to purchase the item you want. PROTOCOL NOTE The American Legion revised several areas of focus to better focus on serving America’s veterans. The National Executive Committee of the American Legion recently passed Resolution 5, which revises its vision, mission, values, and motto. Vision: “The American Legion strengthens America by improving the lives of our veterans, the military and their families.” Mission Statement: “The American Legion strengthens our communities, states and nation with programs and services for our veterans, the military and their families.”
Motto: “Veterans Strengthening America.”
Value Principles:
▪ A VETERAN IS A VETERAN – which means The American Legion embraces all current and former members of the military and endeavors to help them transition into their communities.
▪ SELFLESS SERVICE –which means The American Legion celebrates all who contribute to something larger than themselves and inspires others to serve and strengthen America.
▪ AMERICAN VALUES AND PATRIOTISM – which means The American Legion advocates for upholding and defending the United States Constitution, equal justice and opportunity for everyone and discrimination against no one, youth education, responsible citizenship and honoring military service by observing and participating in patriotic and memorial events.
▪ FAMILY AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT – which means The American Legion meets the unique needs of local communities.
▪ ADVANCING THE VISION – which means The American Legion educates, mentors and leads new generations of Americans.
▪ HONORING THOSE WHO CAME BEFORE US – which means The American Legion pays perpetual respect for all past military sacrifices to ensure they are never forgotten by new generations.
Are you planning on visiting the VA anytime soon? Here’s a tool to get to your appointment for quickly.
(see image in original document)
National Commander Oxford launches 100 Miles for Hope
American Legion Commander Bill Oxford literally took the first steps Aug. 3 on a new campaign to support veterans, military families and their communities. Oxford walked three miles in his hometown of Lenoir, N.C., to kick off the 100 Miles for Hope campaign which benefits The American Legion’s Veterans & Children Foundation (V&CF). He is encouraging members of The Legion Family to accompany him on his journey to cover 100 miles by walking, running, cycling or riding a motorcycle 100 miles over the next 100 days, concluding on Veterans Day. “We have been cooped up and self-isolating for so long that the 100 miles is a way to reintroduce exercise to Legionnaires and the country,” he said, noting the coronavirus. “In addition to what we gain from the exercise, we hope to gain some much-needed donations for our Veterans & Children Foundation.”
To participate, go to the registration page. For a $30 registration fee, participants will receive a slick tech shirt (men’s, women’s, and children’s sizes available), a sign to commemorate their journey and — upon completion — a certificate of accomplishment. Best of all, half of the registration will go directly to the V&CF. Oxford notes that even with Emblem Sales temporarily closed, orders for 100 Mile shirts received by Aug. 10, will be shipped between Aug. 25 and 31. Afterward there are rolling deadlines.
To learn more about the campaign, visit the web page and reference the frequently asked questions for more information.
“This is a great way to exercise and I do that regularly,” he said. “I’m going to be killing two birds with one stone. I’m going to be doing the physical exercise. But it also gives me an opportunity to help the Veterans & Children Foundation. I hope everyone realizes the value in that. Join me in the 100 Miles for Hope. Twenty minutes a day is not too much to ask.”
To further USAA’s mission of being the provider of choice for the Military Community, they have opened their membership up to all military retirees and those who separated with a ‘discharge type of honorable’.
Missing the camaraderie of being with your fellow military affiliated community? Want to connect with like-minded veterans to talk about relevant topics? Need answers about how to manage your education benefits and other VA programs and services during the pandemic? Join Hector Moncada, Contra Costa College Veteran Program Coordinator, and Maurice Delmer, Concord Vet Center Veterans Outreach Program Specialist, for a weekly virtual meetup every Tuesday from 9am to 10am. We’ll connect and talk about whatever interests you, as well provide resources and referrals to meet your transition needs. Please RSVP with Hector:, or myself:, if you are interested in participating, and we will email you a link to join. We look forward to connecting with you.
Learn about the American Legion in this self-paced online course; go to
"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to
work and give to those who would not."
Thomas Jefferson
Salvo - August 2020
Original Document (with images)
Day ~100 and things were getting better, but numbers are again on the rise. So, the state is mandating you wear a mask and social distance. Let us do our part and wear them in any public setting. We do not have a regular meeting in August so we will try to keep you up to date via this SALVO and other email communications. We would tentatively like to hold a regular meeting in September for installation of officers’ ceremony and other business. We will update status in early mid-August. Your Executive Committee continues work on several projects to improve our operations, our ability to better interact with all of you, and fulfill our mission to support the four pillars of the American Legion. Projects such as: updated ByLaws, Post Expense Policy, electronic document filing system, enhanced website design, regular meeting Zoom enhancement, and a Camp Parks support program (see notes below for more details) among them. Last month I updated you on revision of the By-Laws which were not approved by the Commission. We received a letter detailing the issues with the set of By-Laws we approved at our June meeting. The Executive Committee has made the necessary changes. We were going to review those changes at our July regular meeting and vote on approval but we received word from the Commission that Dept will be providing additional guidance concerning virtual meetings for inclusion in the By-Laws. Finally, congratulations to Pat Baratta for passing the American Legion Basic Training Course! Stay safe and wear your masks!!! Eric, Commander
**** Every Saturday 9 to 12.... Coffee at the Vets Hall **** IT’S BACK!!!
August 5th, Wednesday…. No Regular lunch meeting in August
August 10th, Monday…. VMB Gianni’s Dinner Fundraiser (see details below)
August 15th, Saturday…. Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
August 27th-30th, Thursday to Sunday…. 2020 East Bay Standdown CANCELED
September 2nd, Wednesday…. Regular lunch meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm TBD
September 19th, Saturday…. Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
September 27th, Sunday…. Post 246/District 9 Chili Cookoff, 2:00 pm POSTPONED
October 4th, Sunday…. Boys & Girls State Luncheon, 1:00 pm TBD
October 17th, Saturday…. Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
November 4th, Wednesday…. Regular lunch meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm TBD
November 21st, Saturday…. Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
December 2nd, Wednesday…. Regular lunch meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm
December 19th, Saturday…. Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
Please support the one and only fundraiser for the Veterans Memorial Building operations fund (Corned Beef & Cabbage event was canceled). Two options are take-out and delivery. Go to and you can call in your order starting now. Be sure to leave a BIG tip as the VMB gets all tips and percentage of the night’s receipt.
Raoul Miranda has been appointed as Assistant Sgt-at-Arms. Michelle Lee and Dick Seavey have been appointed to the Executive Committee to serve with Gary Soto, Ron Roe, Neil Giles.
As you all know it is now time to renew your membership for calendar year 2021. We are off to a great start with 45% of our members renewing already! This includes our 28 PUFL members who I thank for their life commitment. There are two easy ways to renew: 1) go to and click on the RENEW button, fill out the form, and you’re done. Or, send us a check for $45 to our PO Box address and we will process it for you.
The Post 246 / District 9 Chili Cookoff event is again being postponed indefinitely due to the pandemic. We will reschedule when we can be assured we can hold the event.
Now that LTC Nolan and CSM Johnson have very recently transferred to new duty stations we will engage with the new command staff LTC Serena Johnson and CSM Thomas Aiello to develop the program further in the near future. If you are interested and willing to commit to an activity to host a soldier and his/her family, please contact Mark Heinemann.
The post now has a Tax-Free account with the Flag & Emblem Store. Alan Scharlach is our post “Supply Officer” and is available to order items for individual post members. Go to to do your shopping; then email Alan with the item number, quantity, color, and any other item details needed to purchase the item you want.
During the Pledge of Allegiance, why do we, as male members, remove our caps and place them over our heart? It dates back to our military service, while at the salute, we are at attention and when you are at attention, you do not speak. Thus, the cover is removed and placed over the heart so that we can pledge our allegiance, aloud. We follow American Legion protocol.
Post 246 holds Memorial Day Remembrance at the VMB flagpole. Joining Commander Ardell are Vice Commanders Lee and Scharlach are Gary Estralla, MCL, Dennis Giacovelli, VNVDV, Mike Regan, VFW, Susan Little, BSM, Mayor Karen Stepper, and Clinton Pruett, SRVFD. Ceremony ended with the playing of taps.
Vice Commander Alan Scharlach and our Chartered Representative for Scouts visited Oakmount mortuary 1 July where they graciously retired our American Flags. The ashes have been placed in a position of honor inside an Ossuary dedicated for that purpose.
To further USAA’s mission of being the provider of choice for the Military Community, they have opened their membership up to all military retirees and those who separated with a ‘discharge type of honorable’.
Are you planning on visiting the VA anytime soon? Here’s a tool to get to your appointment for quickly.
(see image in document)
“The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.”
- Edmund Burke
Salvo - July 2020
Original Document (with images)
Day ~75 and things are starting to open up, but the state is mandating you wear a mask for now. Let us do our part and wear them in any public setting. That said we still will not be able to hold a regular meeting at the Veterans Memorial Building in July. We will again hold our “regular” meeting on Zoom (with alternate phone link) on Saturday, 11 July at 9:00 am. There has much been going on in the post even during the lockdown. Our Post 2020-2021 Officer elections was held; of note is election of Mark Heinemann as 1st Vice Commander. Also, Jon Heinson has been appointed Chaplain. Michelle Lee and Dick Seavey are appointed to the Executive Committee. Other officers continue to serve in their current positions. Installation of officers will be postponed until we can hold an appropriate ceremony; I am hoping we may do so in September. Most all of you received my message about two resolutions to be brought to the Danville Town Council; the first proposing the town adopt a flag policy concerning the flying of flags other than the American Flag and California Flag, the secondproposing the town fly the Pride flag in the month of June. I have not seen the final wording of the resolution, but I watched the full video of the 16 June council meeting at which these resolutions were considered. Many statements from town citizens were read into the record including from veteran members of our VSOs. After much discussion and several amendments to the proposal, the council voted 4- 1 to adopt the policy that they would consider requests submitted to fly various flags on the flagpole at the library only. Requests must be specific including graphics of the flag. Of note, there is to be a specific clause in the policy that the flagpoles at the Veterans Memorial Building and the All Wars Memorial at Oak Hill Park will only fly the American, California State, and MIA/POW flags and no others. I would like to thank those of you who contacted me about these resolutions, we were unanimous concerning the Vets Building flagpole. Your Executive Committee has been working on several projects to improve our operations, our ability to better interact with all of you, and fulfill our mission to support the four pillars of the American Legion. Projects such as: updated ByLaws, Post Expense Policy, electronic document filing system, enhanced website design, regular meeting Zoom enhancement, and a Camp Parks support program (see notes below for more details) among them. Regarding the By-Laws, they were not approved by the Commission. We received a letter detailing the issues with the set of By-Laws we approved at our June meeting. The Executive Committee has made the necessary changes. We will review those changes at our July regular meeting and vote on approval. The By-Laws will then be resubmitted for approval by the Commission. We are continuing our Buddy Call program, but still unable to reach some of you. We just want to make sure you are okay and let you know we can help if you need it. And do let us know if we have your correct contact information. Stay safe and wear your masks!!!
Eric, Commander
**** Every Saturday 9 to 12.... Coffee at the Vets Hall **** IT’S BACK!!!
July 4th, Saturday…. Danville VIRTUAL 4th of July parade, 10:00 am
July 11th, Saturday…. Regular ZOOM meeting, 9:00 am
July 18th, Saturday…. Executive Committee ZOOM meeting, 8:30 am
August 5th, Wednesday…. No Regular lunch meeting in August
August 10th, Monday…. VMB Gianni’s Dinner Fundraiser (see details below)
August 27th-30th, Thursday to Sunday…. 2020 East Bay Standdown CANCELED
September 2nd, Wednesday…. Regular lunch meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm
September 19th, Saturday…. Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
September 27th, Sunday…. Post 246/District 9 Chili Cookoff, 2:00 pm
October 4th, Sunday…. Boys & Girls State Luncheon, 1:00 pm
Repeat: No regular meeting in July and no speaker. Again, this is a great time to complete the Basic Training Course for all members. It is the American Legion's official training program for officers, members, Legion College applicants and those who simply want to expand their knowledge of the nation's largest veterans service organization. It is available online at
Following members have been elected:
Commander: Eric Ardell
1st Vice Commander: Mark Heinemann
2nd Vice Commander: Alan Scharlach
3rd Vice Commander: Randy Reid
Adjutant: Rob Landy
Executive Committee: Gary Soto, Ron Roe, Neil Giles
Yes, there will be a parade, a virtual parade online Saturday, 4 July at 10:00am.
Post 246 has reserved the Community Hall of the Danville Veterans Memorial Building for Sunday, September 27, 2020 for the Chili Cook-off fundraiser for student veterans attending Contra Costa College community colleges and St. Mary's College. The event will begin at 2:00 PM and end at 5:00 PM. Future editions of the Salvo and Post meetings will provide details. Tickets purchased for the original, postponed event in March are valid for the September event.
We have submitted our request to establish a program to support soldiers and their families assigned to Camp Parks Reserve Forces Training Area to LTC Nolan and CSM Johnson. As both have very recently transferred to new duty stations we have deferred this program until we engage with the new command staff: LTC Serena Johnson and CSM Thomas Aiello to develop the program further. If you are interested and willing to commit to an activity to host a soldier and his/her family, please contact Mark Heinemann.
(see image in document)
The post now has a Tax-Free account with the American Legion Flag & Emblem Store. Alan Scharlach has volunteered to be our post “Supply Officer” and is vailable to order items for individual post members. Please contact Alan at to place an order through our post and avoid paying tax. Please go to to do your shopping; then email Alan with the item number, quantity, color, and any other item details needed to purchase the item you want. Alan will then send you an invoice for repayment to the post for the cost of your item(s) including shipping.
“There are only two ways of telling the complete truth--anonymously and
- Thomas Sowell
Salvo - June 2020
Original Document (with images)
We are at about day 45 of the stay at home orders; it is good to hear that all of you who we have been able to contact are doing well and staying safe. I would again emphasize that if you need anything, we are ready to anything we can to help you. Please give us a call. Hopefully, the restrictions will start to ease very soon; that said we do not anticipate being able to hold a regular meeting at the Veterans Memorial Building in June. We will again hold our “regular” meeting on Zoom (with alternate phone link) on Saturday, 6 June at 9:00 am. This meeting is especially important for two reason; first, we will conduct our officer election for the 2020-2021 year, and second, we will accomplish the second reading of the proposed post By-Laws to be submitted to Department of California for approval. The draft By-Laws will again be emailed to all members for review as there have been some new changes made by the Executive Committee since the first reading at the last regular meeting. I hope you all are supporting Danville restaurants and businesses through online orders and curbside pickup. I have done so many times and the service is great and so is the food! We are continuing our Buddy Call program, but still unable to reach some of you. We just want to make sure you are okay and let you know we can help if you need it. And do let us know if we have your correct contact information. I would like to welcome new members to our post Pasquale (Pat) Baratta and Frank Drayton.
Eric, Commander
**** Every Saturday 9 to 12.... Coffee at the Vets Hall **** CANCELED
June 6th, Saturday.... Regular ZOOM meeting, 9:00 am
Election of 2020-21 Officers and Executive Board
June 14th, Sunday…. Danville Summer Fest CANCELED
June 20th, Saturday…. ZOOM Executive Committee Meeting, 8:30 am
July 1st, Wednesday…. Regular lunch meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm TBD
Installation of Officers and Executive Board
July 4th, Saturday…. Danville VIRTUAL 4th of July parade, 10:00 am
July 18th, Saturday…. No Executive Committee meeting in July
August 5th, Wednesday…. Regular lunch meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm
August 27th-30th, Thursday to Sunday…. 2020 East Bay Standdown CANCELED
September 2nd, Wednesday…. Regular lunch meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm
September 19th, Saturday…. Executive Committee meeting, 8:30 am
Repeat: No regular meeting in June and no speaker. Again, this is a great time to complete the Basic Training Course for all members. It is the American Legion's official training program for officers, members, Legion College applicants and those who simply want to expand their knowledge of the nation's largest veterans service organization. It is available online at Let me know when you complete the course.
Following nominations for elected officer positions are:
Commander: Eric Ardell
1st Vice Commander: Mark Heinemann
2nd Vice Commander: Alan Scharlach
3rd Vice Commander: Randy Reid
Executive Committee: Gary Soto, Ron Roe, Neil Giles
At the June regular meeting (on Zoom) any additional nominations will be request by each position, nominations will then be closed.
Assuming no other nominations, it will be suggested a motion be made for a onetime deviation from the post By-Laws - which requires a written secret ballot -seconded and approved to vote by raised hand on Zoom or voice vote by phone.
Yes, there will be a parade, a virtual parade! We are going to work on set of pictures and/or a video that will be our post entry in the “parade”. The virtual parade will be online on Saturday, 4 July starting at 10:00am. More details will be provided as they become available.
We are considering a program to support soldiers and their families assigned to Camp Parks Reserve Forces Training Area. We would rely on LTC Nolan, CSM Johnson, and other senior NCOs to recommend the soldiers, most likely junior enlisted personnel. The program would entail a Post member volunteering one or more times per year to sponsor an event for the soldiers and their families. The range of activities could include hosting a backyard BBQ or picnic; a day at local attractions (e.g., Blackhawk Museum, Lindsay Wildlife Experience, etc.), or a day at a water park. If you are interested and willing to commit to an activity to host a soldier and his/her family, please contact Mark Heinemann. We believe this proposed program is an outstanding way for each of us individually and as a post to show our support for and contribute to the pillars upon which the American Legion was founded.
The post now has a Tax-Free account with the American Legion Flag & Emblem Store. Alan Scharlach has volunteered to be our post “Supply Officer” and is available to order items for individual post members. Please contact Alan to place an order through our post and avoid paying tax. Please go to to do your shopping; then email Alan with the item number, quantity, color, and any other item details needed to purchase the item you want. Alan will then send you an invoice for repayment to the post for the cost of your item(s) including shipping.
Dear Veterans Community - Our Contra Costa County Veterans Service Office is now staffing a… full-time virtual office. Service Representatives are available Monday thru Thursday 9am to 12pm & 1pm to 4pm, and Fridays 9am to 12pm. To connect with our virtual office online, click: CVSO Virtual Office, or to connect by Phone, dial [669] 900-9128. Meeting ID: 979 2501 6051 Password: 028993 Our team is standing by ready to serve you and your family! If you’d like to check out our new virtual office, just pop in anytime and we can show you around.
"It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light"
- Aristotle
Salvo - May 2020
Original Document (with images)
I start with the same comment from last month - I hope this SALVO finds you all well, hunkered down, staying safe. But there is no reason to panic; follow CDC guidelines and only go out for necessities, like grocery. To say the least, wash your hands often, go out as little as possible, and practice social distancing. It is the least we can do as our part to get through this pandemic. As I indicated last month, we have canceled our regular meeting for May, and I will keep you posted on June. Don’t forget to support Danville restaurants and businesses through online orders and curbside pickup. We are continuing our Buddy Call program, but still unable to reach some of you. We just want to make sure you are okay and let you know we can help if you need it. And do let us know if we have your correct contact information. One last appeal before your membership expires, I am asking you to please continue to support the Legion and our post and renew your membership. I would like to welcome the following new members to our post: Lawrence Moser, Chris McCotter, John Thios, and James Wahleithner, all transferring from Post 1000.
Eric, Commander
**** Every Saturday 9 to 12.... Coffee at the Vets Hall **** CANCELED
May 3rd, Sunday…. Marine Corps League Det 942 Mexican Dinner CANCELED
May 6th, Wednesday.... Regular lunch meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm CANCELED
Nominations for 2020-21 Officers and Executive Board (via email)
May 16th, Saturday.... Board/Officer Meeting, 8:30 am ZOOM Conference
May 16th, Saturday…. Phillips 66 Walk of Honor, Crockett, CA CANCELED
May 24th & 25th Sunday/Monday…. San Ramon Art & Wine Festival CANCELED
May 25th, Monday…. VNVDV Memorial Day Remembrance, 10:30 am, Oak Hill Park, Danville
May 31st, Sunday…. High School Swearing-in Ceremony CANCELED
June 3rd, Wednesday.... Regular lunch meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm TBD
Election of 2020-21 Officers and Executive Board
June 14th, Sunday…. Danville Summer Fest CANCELED
June 20th, Saturday…. Board/Officer Meeting, 8:30 am
July 1st, Wednesday…. Regular lunch meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm
Installation of Officers and Executive Board
July 4th, Saturday…. Danville 4th of July parade, 9:00 am TBD
August 27th-30th, Thursday to Sunday…. 2020 East Bay Standdown CANCELED
No regular meeting in May and no speaker. Again, this is a great time to complete
the Basic Training Course for all members. It is the American Legion's official training program for officers, members, Legion College applicants and those who simply want to expand their knowledge of the nation's largest veterans service organization. It is available online at Let me know when you complete the course. I am now 50% done.
Nominations for 2020-2021 officers will are due in at our May meeting. But since we will have not a face to face meeting we will open and close nominations via an online process with connection information to be sent out by email. Nominations will be made for Commander, Vice Commanders, and three executive committee members in line with Department recommended post Bylaws.
Boys and Girls State events in June have been canceled. Registration fees have been returned to the post. Each Boys State delegate will receive a Certificate of Selection and a Boys State pin. Status of Girls State ambassadors is still to be determined. The Executive Board voted to pay Boys and Girls State Alumni Association dues ($25 each) for our participants as recognition of their selection.
Activities to engage with Student Veteran organizations at the three Contra Costa Community Colleges and Saint Mary's College were suspended when these colleges ceased on-campus classes in March. District 9 and Post 246 will resume engagement with Student Veterans at the start of the Fall 2020 semester.
Post 246 has postponed hosting the District 9 Chili Cook-off in compliance with Contra Costa County Health Services due to Covid-19. Post 246 plans to hold the event during September - October 2020 if conditions permit. Purchased tickets remain valid for this event at a future date. Funds from ticket sales and donations, less the cost of the beer and wine license, were sent to District 9 for deposit into the Student Veteran account. Thank you to all ticket purchasers for this agreement.
Diablo Valley Veterans Foundation (DVVF) cancelled the East Bay Stand Down due to the Covid-19 outbreak. Post 246 advised DVVF to contribute the $500 donation from Post 246 to non-profit organizations which assist at-risk veterans.
3 - Third Important Lesson - Always remember those who serve. In the days when an ice cream sundae cost much less, a 10-year-old boy entered a hotel coffee shop and sat at a table. A waitress put a glass of water in front of him. "How much is an ice cream sundae?" he asked. "Fifty cents," replied the waitress. The little boy pulled his hand out of his pocket and studied the coins in it. "Well, how much is a plain dish of ice cream?" he inquired. By now more people were waiting for a table and the waitress was growing impatient. "Thirty-five cents," she brusquely replied. The little boy again counted his coins. "I'll have the plain ice cream," he said. The waitress brought the ice cream, put the bill on the table and walked away. The boy finished the ice cream, paid the cashier and left. When the waitress came back, she began to cry as she wiped down the table. There, placed neatly beside the empty dish, were two nickels and five pennies. You see, he couldn't have the sundae, because he had to have enough left to leave her a tip.
“What you are will show in what you do.”
Thomas Edison
Salvo - April 2020
Original Document (with images)
I hope this SALVO finds you all well, hunkered down, staying safe. But there is no reason to panic; follow CDC guidelines and only go out for necessities, like grocery. To say the least, wash your hands often, go out as little as possible, and practice social distancing. As all of you are aware, we have canceled or postponed all post activities in March and April. I anticipate we may also cancel our regular meeting in May, but I will notify you in mid-May on status. If you are looking for local information on COVID-19 and/or impacts and schools, business, etc. please check the Town of Danville website, Don’t forget to support Danville restaurants and businesses through online orders and curbside pickup. We are continuing our Buddy Call program, so expect a call from our team either for the first time or maybe a second time if we have previously talk with you. We just want to make sure you are okay and let you know we can help if you need it. And do let us know we have your correct contact information. Call me if you like, 925-984-3184. With this edition of the SALVO we will start hard copy mailing of the SALVO to only those members who do not have an email account. For those members we will continue to mail your copy of the SALVO to your home address. Please send me your email address if you are not receiving emails from me. I know I sound like a broken record, but if you have not paid your 2020 dues, I am asking you to please continue to support the Legion and our post and renew your membership.
Eric, Commander
**** Every Saturday 9 to 12.... Coffee at the Vets Hall **** CANCELED
March 29th, Sunday…. USS Hornet, Vietnam Veterans Remembrance CANCELED
April 1st, Wednesday.... Regular lunch meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm CANCELED
April 18th, Saturday.... Board/Officer Meeting, 8:30 am TBD
May 3rd, Sunday…. Marine Corps League Det 942 Mexican Night Dinner TBD
May 6th, Wednesday.... Regular lunch meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm TBD
Nominations for 2020-21 Officers and Executive Board
May 16th, Saturday.... Board/Officer Meeting, 8:30 am
May 16th, Saturday….12th Annual Phillips 66 Walk of Honor for Veterans, Crockett, CA
May 25th, Monday…. VNVDV Memorial Day Remembrance, 10:30 am, Oak Hill Park, Danville
May 31st, Sunday…. High School Swearing-in Ceremony, 1:00 pm, at VMB
June 3rd, Wednesday.... Regular lunch meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm
Election of 2020-21 Officers and Executive Board
June 20th, Saturday…. Board/Officer Meeting, 8:30 am
July 1st, Wednesday…. Regular lunch meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm
Installation of Officers and Executive Board
July 4th, Saturday…. Danville 4th of July parade, 9:00 am, downtown Danville
No regular meeting in April and no speaker. This is a great time to complete the Basic Training Course for all members. It is the American Legion's official training program for officers, members, Legion College applicants and those who simply want to expand their knowledge of the nation's largest veterans service organization. It is available online at Let me know when you complete the course.
Medical appointments possible at home via VA Video Connect. Got a fever, cold, cough or flu-like symptoms? Are you worried that you have a viral illness? The last thing you want to do is get out of the house to see the doctor, exposing yourself (and others) to more potential bugs and viruses. VA can make it easier and safer to get back to health with virtual care through My HealtheVet and the VA Video Connect app on your smartphone, tablet or computer. Virtual care means you can contact your VA provider (and health care team) through secure messaging or receive treatment by telephone or video. Any Veteran who qualifies to receive VA care and lives in the U.S. is eligible to use virtual care. Staying home – easier for you, safer for the community. Virtual care is personalized and can connect you with your providers more effectively. Ask your care team if virtual care can help meet some of your health care needs. Options include in-home health monitoring with tailored technologies, connection to specialists, or even remote scans and data. You probably already know My HealtheVet is a great way to manage your care – with online Rx Refills, VA Appointments, and your labs and tests, radiology reports, and images. With secure messaging and video appts, reaching your providers while at home can be easy, too. While not for use in emergencies, a secure and private session begins with a simple request with a Secure Message for a video appointment. Sign in and request one next time you need to see your doctor or other providers. Your health care team can also set up an in-person appointment, if needed. Call your VA health center if you have symptoms. For more information, visit:
VA Video Connect (allows you to test your equipment compatibility)
Reach Your VA Care Team Over Live Video (YouTube)
VA Telehealth Services
The following is the position of The American Legion regarding financial contributions that might be offered by candidates for political office, campaigns, political action committees or political parties:
· The American Legion is very appreciative of donors who contribute to its programs, which enhance the quality of life for thousands of veterans, young people and their families.
· While the American Legion is pleased to see candidates address issues of concern to America’s veterans, it is a nonpartisan organization. The American Legion Constitution prohibits the organization from endorsing any candidate for political office.
· If a candidate, PAC or political party were to offer a financial contribution to The American Legion or its programs, the Legion would politely decline. While accepting the contribution may be perfectly legal, The American Legion wants to avoid even the perception that the organization supports any candidacy. Again, The American Legion values its independence and is beholden to no political officeholder or candidate.
Important Lesson - Pickup in the Rain
One night, at 11:30 p.m., an older African American woman was standing on the side of an Alabama highway trying to endure a lashing rainstorm. Her car had broken down and she desperately needed a ride. Soaking wet, she decided to flag down the next car. A young white man stopped to help her, generally unheard of in those conflict-filled 1960's. The man took her to safety, helped her get assistance and put her into a taxicab. She seemed to be in a big hurry but wrote down his address and thanked him. Seven days went by and a knock came on the man's door. To his surprise, a giant console color TV was delivered to his home. A special note was attached. It read: "Thank you so much for assisting me on the highway the other night. The rain drenched not only my clothes, but also my spirits. Then you came along. Because of you, I was able to make it to my dying husband's' bedside just before he passed away... God Bless you for helping me and unselfishly serving others."
Sincerely, Mrs. Nat King Cole.
"Quality is not an act, it is a habit."
Salvo - March 2020
Original Document (with images)
We had a really great and highly successful Crab Feed Dinner and Fundraiser at the end of January. If you did not attend you missed some delicious crab, our outstanding and entertaining MC, Catharine Baker, our hard driving auctioneer Paul Douglas, and a whole lot of camaraderie. We netted close to $10,000 for the post which will definitely keep us ahead of the game for our budget and our programs and events. I want to thank all our committee members (and their spouses) for their time and effort in making this event a big success: Michelle Lee, Alan Scharlach, Gary Soto, Bob Sada, Phil Connolly, Raoul Miranda, Floyd Cox, Dick Seavey, Sandy Kahn, Mark Heinemann, Ed Ott, Bob Landy, Ron Roe, Randy Reid, Jon Heinson, Ron Seely, and Dimitri Haloulos. Thanks also go to our two Boys Scout Troops, and our other volunteers including Marvin Lum in the kitchen and Vicki and Jen for bar service.
The VMB Corn Beef & Cabbage Dinner and Fundraiser is coming on the 14th of March. Bob Landy still has a few tickets so grab them soon! And please plan to attend the District 9 Chili Cookoff Event hosted by Post 246 on 29 March. See info below or contact Mark Heinemann or Randy Reid. Congratulations to Aaron Shires, San Ramon High School, for winning the Post Oratorical Contest as well as the District 9 contest last month. Wish him luck in the Area 2 contest in late February.
Eric, Commander
**** Every Saturday 9 to 12.... Coffee at the Vets Hall ****
March 4th, Wednesday.... Regular lunch meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm
March 14th, Saturday…. VMB Corn Beef & Cabbage Dinner, 5:00 pm
March 21st, Saturday.... Board/Officer Meeting, 8:30 am
March 29th, Sunday…. District 9/Post 246 Chili-cookoff at VMB, 2:00 pm
March 29th, Sunday…. USS Hornet, Vietnam War Veterans Remembrance Day
April 1st, Wednesday.... Regular lunch meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm
April 18th, Saturday.... Board/Officer Meeting, 8:30 am
May 3rd, Sunday…. Marine Corps League Det 942 Mexican Night Dinner
May 6th, Wednesday.... Regular lunch meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm
Nominations for 2020-21 Officers and Executive Board
May 16th, Saturday.... Board/Officer Meeting, 8:30 am
May 16th, Saturday….12th Annual Phillips 66 Walk of Honor for Veterans, Crockett, CA
May 25th, Monday…. VNVDV Memorial Day Remembrance, 10:30 am, Oak Hill Park, Danville
May 31st, Sunday…. High School Swearing-in Ceremony, 1:00 pm, at VMB
June 3rd, Wednesday.... Regular lunch meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm
Election of 2020-21 Officers and Executive Board
June 20th, Saturday…. Board/Officer Meeting, 8:30 am
July 1st, Wednesday…. Regular lunch meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm
Installation of Officers and Executive Board
July 4th, Saturday…. Danville 4th of July parade, 9:00 am, downtown Danville
Lieutenant Colonel Jennifer L. Nolan is the Garrison Commander at Camp Parks Reserve Forces Training center. She enlisted in the United States Army Reserve in April of 1993. In 1997 she was commissioned through the Reserve Officers Training Corps at LaSalle University in Philadelphia, PA. Her assignments include:
- Engineer Officer Basic Course at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri
- Engineer Battalion (Heavy), Equipment Platoon Leader
- First female Support Platoon Leader in the 10th Engineer Battalion (Mechanized)
- Chief Project Officer Soto Cano Airbase in Honduras, Central America
- Construction Officer and Deputy Director of Public Works Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
for ARCENT-SA during the initial phase of Operation Iraqi Freedom
- Company Commander for the 5551h Engineer Company (TOPO), Ft. Hood, TX
- Comptroller Instructor and PPBES Course Director for the US Army FinanceSchool Ft. Jackson, SC
- Observer/Controller for the 75th Training Division in Arlington Heights, IL.
- Civil Affairs branch Project Officer to Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa
in Djibouti and deployed with the 490lh Civil Affairs Battalion
- Executive Officer for the Chief of Staff, US Army Reserve.
- Deputy Branch Chief, North/West Africa U.S. Africa Command (USAFRICOM)in Stuttgart, Germany
- School of Advanced Military Studies in Fort Leavenworth
- Chief of Strategy for U.S. Southern Command in Miami, FL
LTC Nolan's awards and decorations include the Bronze Star Medal, Meritorious Service Medal (4th Award), Joint Service Commendation Medal (2nd Award); Army Commendation Medal, Joint Service Achievement Medal, Army Achievement Medal (2nd Award), Parachutist Badge, and Army Staff Identification Badge.
LTC Nolan holds a BA in Biology from LaSalle University, an MBA in International Business from \Trident University International and a Master of Military Art and Science (MMAS) Degree from the School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS). Her military education includes the Engineer Officer Basic and Advanced Courses, Command and General Staff College (lLE), Stability Security and Development in Complex Operations Course (Naval Postgraduate School), Joint and Combined Warfighting School (JPME-Il) and the Basic Strategic Arts Program (BSAP).
LTC Nolan is from Philadelphia, PA. She is married to John R. Nolan, President and CEO of Verde Valuation Services, LLC, originally from Cleveland, OH.
Saturday, 14 March, 5:00 pm – Veterans Memorial Building Corn Beef and Cabbage Dinner and Fundraiser. Bob Landy has 4 tickets left of the 16 that were allotted to our Post. See flyer on our website.
Our Post is hosting a Chili Cook-off at the Veterans Memorial Building, Danville, CA from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM on Sunday, March 29, 2020 to raise funds for the District 9 student veteran fund to support student veteran activities at colleges in District 9 and to pay their American Legion membership dues. See the flyer below. Cookoff Entrants should confirm their participation no later than 29 February 2020 to Mark Heinemann or Randy Reid. If you need further information about the details of the Chili Cook-off, please contact Mark Heinemann or Randy Reid.
Have you received a “Buddy Call” from one of our officers? Did you get a voice mail or an email and have not responded? If you don’t think we have tried, we may not have contact info for you and mailed you a letter; did you get one? We really would like to hear from you. Call me if you like.
“When using post facility to host candidates, the post should remove the emblem and American Legion Flag to avoid any impression of endorsements. Candidates for all parties must be presented equal opportunity at the same time to use the facility on the same terms and conditions as other competing candidates.”
“The American Legion values its independence and effectiveness on veterans’ issues. The stance is best maintained by neutrality on individual candidates or political parties. The American Legion by legal definition is nonpartisan and supports only issues that impact the Four Pillars.”
The Military Exchange System - the Department of Defense’s oldest and largest military retailer is honored to serve all honorably discharged Veterans with a lifelong online military exchange shopping benefit. Your online shopping benefits include:
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Important Lesson - Cleaning Lady (Author Unknown)
“During my 2nd month of college, our professor gave us a pop quiz. I was a conscientious student and had breezed through the questions until I read the last one: "What is the first name of the woman who cleans the school?" Surely this was some kind of joke. I had seen the cleaning woman several times. She was tall, dark-haired and in her 50's, but how would I know her name? I handed in my paper, leaving the last question blank. Just before class ended, one student asked if the last question would count toward our quiz grade. "Absolutely, " said the professor. "In your careers, you will meet many people. All are significant. They deserve your attention and care, even if all you do is smile and say "hello." I've never forgotten that lesson. I also learned her name was Dorothy.”
"Success is a science; if you have the conditions,
you get the result."
Oscar Wilde
Salvo - February 2020
Original Document (with images)
As we enter the new year of 2020, our membership is now over 90% of our department goal. Thank you so much to those of you who have continued to support our post and the Legion, and I hope those who have not renewed yet, will do so at their earliest opportunity. We need you and we are here for you! We are still looking for a candidate to take leadership of the post. I have enjoyed leading the post for several years, but it is time for me to pass the baton in the next year or two. Now is the time to step up and bring new ideas and energy to continue our programs and events. Randy Reid, as third Vice Commander, has volunteered to assist with “training” and transition. I look forward to hearing from you. The Crab Feed is sold out and we have a great assortment of donations for the auctions and raffle!!
Eric, Commander
**** Every Saturday 9 to 12.... Coffee at the Vets Hall ****
January 18th, Saturday.... Board/Officer Meeting, 8:30 am
January 25th, Saturday…. Crab Feed Dinner/Fundraiser at VMB, 5:00 pm
February 5th, Wednesday…. Regular lunch meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm
February 15th, Saturday.... Board/Officer Meeting, 8:30 am
March 4th, Wednesday.... Regular lunch meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm
March 14th, Saturday…. VMB Corn Beef & Cabbage Dinner, 5:00 pm
March 21st, Saturday.... Board/Officer Meeting, 8:30 am
March 29th, Sunday…. District 9/Post 246 Chili-cookoff at VMB, 2:00 pm
April 1st, Wednesday.... Regular lunch meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm
April 18th, Saturday.... Board/Officer Meeting, 8:30 am
May 6th, Wednesday.... Regular lunch meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm
Nominations for 2020-21 Officers and Executive Board
May 16th, Saturday.... Board/Officer Meeting, 8:30 am
May 25th, Monday…. VNVDV Memorial Day Remembrance, 10:30 am, Oak Hill Park, Danville
May 31st, Sunday…. High School Swearing-in Ceremony, 1:00 pm, at VMB
June 3rd, Wednesday.... Regular lunch meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm
Election of 2020-21 Officers and Executive Board
June 20th, Saturday…. Board/Officer Meeting, 8:30 am
July 1st, Wednesday…. Regular lunch meeting with speaker, 12:00 pm
Installation of Officers and Executive Board
July 4th, Saturday…. Danville 4th of July parade, 9:00 am, downtown Danville
Our speaker in February is Chief Paige Meyer who joined the San Ramon Valley Fire Protection District on March 18, 2013. He currently serves as a Board Member for the East Bay Regional Communications System Authority, an honorary board member of the San Ramon Chamber of Commerce, a board member and secretary for Leadership San Ramon Valley, on the Police and Fire Fallen Heroes scholarship committee, a Honorary Airforce Commander with Travis Airforce Base and is an active member of the Contra Costa County Executive Fire Chiefs, serving as current President of both the Executive Chiefs and County chiefs. Prior to being hired by the SRVFPD, Chief Meyer began his career over 25 years ago, as a volunteer Firefighter and later as a Public Safety Officer, with the City of Sunnyvale. He then served at the City of Vallejo Fire Department, holding the positions of Firefighter, Engineer, Captain, Battalion Chief and Fire Chief. He holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Public Administration from California State University at Chico as well as a Fire Science degree.
Since Doris’s passing, we have asked about how to pay our respects. Doris’s granddaughter has indicated, in lieu of flowers or cards, that you donate to the Veterans Remembrance Committee, a bay area veterans’ group to foster public remembrance for the men and women who have served our country. Doris was involved with the committee for many years. Make checks to "Veterans Remembrance Committee", note remembrance of Doris Sidwell. The address is: Veterans Remembrance Committee
4444 International Blvd.
Oakland, CA 94601
Sunday, 2 Feb, 1:00 pm – Vietnam Vets of Diablo Valley Crab Feed Dinner and Fundraiser. See flyer on our website.
Saturday, 8 Feb, 5:00 pm – District 9 Crab Feed Dinner (call me for details)
Saturday, 14 March, 5:00 pm – Veterans Memorial Building Corn Beef and Cabbage Dinner and Fundraiser. See flyer on our website.
Our Post is hosting a Chili Cook-off at the Veterans Memorial Building, Danville, CA from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM on Sunday, March 29, 2020 to raise funds for the District 9 student veteran fund to support student veteran activities at colleges in District 9 and to pay their American Legion membership dues. You are invited to enter and serve up your favorite chili recipe as Chili Cook-off participants. You will need to provide a crock pot or similar appliance to keep their chili warm and an electrical extension cord. You are welcome to provide additional condiments to enhance their chili. Prizes will be awarded for the best chili! Not a chef, come anyway and sample/vote for your favorite entry.
Preliminary plans for ticket costs follow (subject to change):
1) Chili Cookoff entrants: FREE
2) American Legion (including Auxiliary) members and other Veteran Service
Organization Members: $25 per person
3) Student Veterans attending community colleges in Contra Costa County and
Saint Mary’s College: Free
4) General Public: $30 per person
5) Children 12 years of age and younger: $5 per person
6) Additional Tastings: $10 for four tastings.
7) Beverage Coupons: To Be Determined
American Legion and other VSO members, and student veterans will receive tickets for ten tastings and a coupon for a beverage (i.e., beer, wine, soft drink, or water). Children will receive a ticket for a hot dog and a coupon for a beverage (i.e., soft drink or water). Cookoff Entrants should confirm their participation no later than 29 February 2020 to Mark Heinemann or Randy Reid. If you need further information about the details of the Chili Cook-off, please contact Mark Heinemann or Randy Reid.
We are continuing to contacting many of you who we don’t see very often. We are do so for three simple reasons; 1) we want to know how you are doing, what you are doing, and if we can help, 2) we want to make sure your current contact information (address, phone number, email address, etc.) is correct, and 3) What would you like to see for a meeting or event. We are open to any suggestions.
Usage of The American Legion Cap, Emblem, Facilities, and Political Donations. In this election year, providing the following information is advisable: “The Legion cap is considered the official Legion uniform. It is not an individual Legion member’s decision on the appropriate usage of the cap and emblem. If attending a political event (of any kind: meeting, political pictures, town hall, etc.), the American Legion cap, or any clothing, pin, cap, ball cap, etc., with the American Legion emblem visible, should be removed so as not to imply endorsement by the American Legion.”
"For it is in giving that we receive."
Francis of Assisi